

For all of you radio-listeners out there, you have probably heard the song “Monsters” by Rihanna and Eminem being overplayed on the radio. For many people, the popularity of a song dissolves after hearing it numerous times a day for weeks on end. However, over the last week, I haven’t been able to get enough of the song. Why, you ask? The song’s lyrics seem to be directed towards those struggling with self-harm and mental illness.
Do you hover over your spouse while they’re doing housework or completing other important tasks around the house? Do you take more than your share of responsibility for things in your ADHD relationship? Do you find it is just easier to get things done if you micro-manage your partner’s schedule or better yet, do it yourself? Have you tried nagging, pleading even anger to try and motivate your partner to get things done.   If so, you may be a helicopter partner!
Eating Disorders and Medical Conditions At the beginning of the year, I wrote about how eating disorders will often come along with other psychiatric disorders and how important it is to stay on top of both of them for your recovery. However, some of the complications in eating disorder recovery can also come from medical concerns. (Eating Disorder Health Problems and Complications) Plenty of diseases have dietary implications and if you're not ready to tackle both, either your physical health or your recovery will suffer. The range of medical issues we're talking about here is vast. Sometimes it's an intolerance to something and sometimes it is something more serious, like diabetes or another endocrine disorder or a severe food allergy. Regardless, it can make eating disorder recovery a little more complicated. As if it weren't complicated enough, right?
If you or someone you know has post-traumatic stress disorder, the current time of year might be particularly challenging. The northern hemisphere is well into autumn, and the extensive holiday season is upon us. Celebrations abound in religious and secular communities alike. Beginning in October and extending through December and even into January, many countries and traditions celebrate special things with gatherings, gifts, food, and fun.
Do you suffer from thoughts that keep you from feeling happy? High expectations and impossible standards? Learn how to get rid of perfectionism and be happy.
Whether you call it Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act, there's no denying that the legislation has sparked controversy. But it's a much-needed debate: are insurance companies a business or a service? If they're businesses, as is the current role, they function by denying as many sick people as possible. But if they're a service, as is suggested by the ACA, they need to man up and do the right thing by covering those who need it most. So here are my three hopes of the ACA's effect on insurance companies.
Dr. Harry A. Croft, a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, is board certified in Adult Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine and Sex Therapy, and has been in private practice in San Antonio, Texas, for more than 30 years. Dr. Croft's interest in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) began in 1973 when, as an Army physician, he served as the medical director of drug and alcohol treatment at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, at the height of the Vietnam War. This experience paved the way for his medical evaluation of more than 7000 veterans with PTSD. (Dr. Croft's full bio)
It’s time to dispel another myth that ticks me right off. This particular myth is that mental illness is but a symptom of childhood abuse. People who think this claim that simply by getting therapy and dealing with this abuse, the mental illness symptoms will go away. Bipolar – cured! Yay! This, of course, is absolute nonsense.
Regardless of whether or not you’re experiencing a state of depression or in a crisis or feeling pretty positive, it can be hard to love yourself and practice self-compassion. A lot of times, I hear other people who live with bipolar disorder and other mental health problems say that they hate themselves or feel ashamed of the things they feel (My Irrational Bipolar Brain Makes Me Hate Myself). For me, personally, I can tell myself, cognitively, that my feelings aren’t my fault, but it’s very hard to believe that emotionally.
Kindness is one of the sweetest ways to show love to your special needs child. Last week, I wrote about being the kind of parent you'd like for yourself. Sometimes because of my own stress and issues, I'm not very kind to Bob. Instead of responding in a loving manner, I have responded rudely and end up shutting down what could be a great conversation. I know this isn't something that only happens with me.

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Kirsi Cannaday
Thank you for your comment. I hope you'll find trying out the tips I shared helpful. It really will get better! Some days are hard, but as I use my coping skills and conquering tools I find I can overcome my anxiety and irritability and I know you can, too.
Hi Dawn. Thanks for reading my message and replying. I am sorry you are struggling with depression. I hope you know you are not a burden to those who love you. They want to be there for you so let them if you can!

Thank you for understanding that the man I love is not selfish. Even though I know that, when close friends tell you that you are blinded by love, you can sometimes wonder if you are wrong. But then talking it out on here I know I am not wrong about him.... he is a beautiful soul :)

Good luck in your journey! I pray you are able to stay in the light!
cassie peterson
It is so unfair! I am 14 and in eighth grade and will be recieving my Sacrement of Confirmation on June 2nd.The dress code for us girls is a white,short sleeve,knee length flowergirl style dress with flower crown,white tights and white maryjane style shoes and under our tights,white 'rubberpants'[plasticpants]! We were told that the rubberpants are for to represent the purity of our baptisms and First Communion.Me and a few other girls in my class feel that this is unfair and discriminatory as there are no 'underwear' requirements for the boys! Our parents were given a website to buy the rubberpants from so we will all have the same kind on under our tights.Has anyone here had to wear 'rubberpants' under a confirmation dress like we have to?
I feel this, 100%. Dreams are the only time I feel anything like I have a life worth living. Even when the dreams aren't necessarily great dreams, I have people I interact with that treat me well, the only time I have social ties, the only time I have good social interactions, the only time I don't have all the pain and trauma and anxiety, just ... a life that might be worth living.
John Adams
I have never needed a psychiatrist or a lawyer. But I need one or both now. I am 82 years old and don't know where to turn.