

One aspect of hyperfocus in ADHD that I've not heard mentioned much is the inability to shift gears, or in other words, adapt to the flow when things change. You would think that an adult with ADHD would have spontaneity in the bag, but that golden attribute of ADHD impulsiveness is hampered when ADHD's hyperfocus mode is engaged.
I recently wrote about The Mistake of Settling in a Relationship and how, many times, people make a huge relationship mistake by settling for "Mr. Okay" instead of "Mr. Right."  In that post, I also laid out the signs you are settling for the wrong person and reasons why people settle. After receiving several reader comments, I want to discuss a related aspect in this video.
Well, I know you're not doing it for the money, the fame, or for an easy ride. Treating eating disorders is tough, and I admire those who take this up as a profession SO MUCH.
The summer before Bob started kindergarten, I signed him up for teeball. I’m still not sure what I was thinking. I’m not a sports fan and have always refuted the argument kids need involvement in team sports to be fulfilled. I guess there was something about the image of Bob in a tiny uniform that must have persuaded me. Whatever it was, we found ourselves on a team.
The two words a parent dreads to hear each summer from the lips of their child is: “I’m bored.” After the novelty of summer has worn off and the swimming pool has lost its appeal, boredom has a way of settling into your home like an unwelcome house guest. Some parents try to keep boredom at bay by scheduling and filling every single block of time with a variety of play dates, day camps, and music lessons. While a bit of structure is a good thing, I wonder what ever happened to the long, lazy summer days of childhoods past.
Sometimes I'd wake up in the morning, wondering how the bed could hold the weight of it all. Before opening my eyes, the fear that I might experience anxiety today overwhelmed me. I felt stuck and stupid for not knowing how not to be afraid. I struggled with seemingly simple things like going to the store because those things seemed like asking for trouble. I'd fret and fidget, and do just about anything to avoid thinking about next time. That's anticipatory anxiety, and it's common to most every single person with an anxiety disorder.
A reader asks "How do I stop myself from making social gaffes?" Good question. I've got three solutions for you.
Being diagnosed as bipolar is a scary thing. It can happen in a number of ways, but if you’re like most of us, you probably didn’t know what was wrong for a long time, then you were misdiagnosed and then sometime later, you got the moniker of “bipolar”. Few of us go right from episode to bipolar diagnosis. But regardless of how you got here, what do you do next?
Family-Based Maudsley Therapy Is Not a Do-It-Yourself Approach There is a mistaken idea out there that Maudsley treatment for eating disorders is something parents can just decide to do without professional support. While I know families who do take on the re-feeding (weight restoration) responsibilities, I think it is important to keep in mind that this is only one part of the approach, and why it works well for so many families.
Recently, someone directed me to this article on parents who give up custody to get help for their mentally ill children. It hits hard now, as I live in a state that is about to vote on its own renunciation of the so-called "Obamacare" plan. We celebrate people living with deadly diseases and chronic conditions, and great strides are being made toward prolonging and improving their lives. But we still vilify people who live with psychiatric illnesses? Am I the only person who thinks this is a problem?

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Kirsi Cannaday
Thank you for your comment. I hope you'll find trying out the tips I shared helpful. It really will get better! Some days are hard, but as I use my coping skills and conquering tools I find I can overcome my anxiety and irritability and I know you can, too.
Hi Dawn. Thanks for reading my message and replying. I am sorry you are struggling with depression. I hope you know you are not a burden to those who love you. They want to be there for you so let them if you can!

Thank you for understanding that the man I love is not selfish. Even though I know that, when close friends tell you that you are blinded by love, you can sometimes wonder if you are wrong. But then talking it out on here I know I am not wrong about him.... he is a beautiful soul :)

Good luck in your journey! I pray you are able to stay in the light!
cassie peterson
It is so unfair! I am 14 and in eighth grade and will be recieving my Sacrement of Confirmation on June 2nd.The dress code for us girls is a white,short sleeve,knee length flowergirl style dress with flower crown,white tights and white maryjane style shoes and under our tights,white 'rubberpants'[plasticpants]! We were told that the rubberpants are for to represent the purity of our baptisms and First Communion.Me and a few other girls in my class feel that this is unfair and discriminatory as there are no 'underwear' requirements for the boys! Our parents were given a website to buy the rubberpants from so we will all have the same kind on under our tights.Has anyone here had to wear 'rubberpants' under a confirmation dress like we have to?
I feel this, 100%. Dreams are the only time I feel anything like I have a life worth living. Even when the dreams aren't necessarily great dreams, I have people I interact with that treat me well, the only time I have social ties, the only time I have good social interactions, the only time I don't have all the pain and trauma and anxiety, just ... a life that might be worth living.
John Adams
I have never needed a psychiatrist or a lawyer. But I need one or both now. I am 82 years old and don't know where to turn.