

Recently, someone directed me to this article on parents who give up custody to get help for their mentally ill children. It hits hard now, as I live in a state that is about to vote on its own renunciation of the so-called "Obamacare" plan. We celebrate people living with deadly diseases and chronic conditions, and great strides are being made toward prolonging and improving their lives. But we still vilify people who live with psychiatric illnesses? Am I the only person who thinks this is a problem?
If you struggle with ADHD and insomnia, then you may be able to relate to my pain. I'm a raving night zombie, but I've come up with a plan to help me break the chain. Now, if only I would follow it.
When most of us were young we learned that life isn’t fair. Yes, that boy got a bigger slice of cake than you. Yes, that girl gets better grades than you even though she doesn’t study. Yes, that’s boy’s imaginary friend’s clothes are nicer than yours. Life isn’t fair. But when I was diagnosed with bipolar at 20, my definition of “unfair” had to be reviewed.
Maybe because I was once diagnosed with minimal brain dysfunction, I don’t find the newer label of ADHD so bad. MBD sounds like something the cast of Monty Python and the Flying Circus came up with. ADHD on the other hand sounds somewhat more descriptive and less post lobotomy-ish. This is why I was so surprised to encounter somebody yesterday so embarrassed by the ADHD label, they censored me. Is someone else's ADHD self-stigma something I need to better understand?
It's Summertime, and the livin’s...easy? Maybe not. It used to be, until I became the parent of a school-aged "MI" child.
Recognizing When The Patient - Or the Team - Isn't In Control Because I'm so big on getting parents to get engaged and be empowered to support an eating disorder patient to full recovery, it is hard to talk about the other side of this: letting go. But that is part of the picture, too.
Media images can be very powerful. When we see something, especially when it's "based on a true story," our mind removes the words "based on a" and we are left with "true story;" as if what we are seeing on the screen is the absolute truth. In fact, the "based on" means it's an adaptation of a story with a lot of "Hollywood" thrown in to keep you interested.
We tend to ignore the power of sound and how it can affect our mood and wellbeing. Everyday, we are surrounded by noisy traffic, snippets of conversation from chattering people, music and more. Think about how irritating the sound of nails scratching a chalkboard is; then think about the sound of birds chirping. What a difference they make in our mood (unless you hate birds).
Last week I set a goal to target one bad ADHD habit (forgetting to eat) and set so many timers against it that the odds of success would be in my favor. Let's see how I did.
As I consider posts for this blog, I keep asking myself, what do I call our kids? I’ve never been one to adhere strictly to politically correct terms, but I do want a term which accurately identifies our children as a specific subset. Bob’s “official” diagnoses are early onset bipolar disorder and ADHD.  I don’t like to say he’s “bipolar” because I don’t think of him that way—he is not bipolar, he is a kid who has a lot of positive qualities and also has bipolar disorder. That said, I’m lazy. It’s admittedly easier to just say “my kid is bipolar.” Which omits the ADHD part entirely, but “my kid has bipolar disorder and ADHD” just takes too much air for me.

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I feel like I’m reading my own reply. Each and every syllable. Wow.
Brain Cranston
Coming from someone half his age probably less tell him to grow up tell him if he’s so anxious and stressed you’ll leave him alone until his episode over my loved ones know to just back of and let my episodes run there course but that being said I never go looking for a fight typically all just ignore people and want nothing to do with anyone I don’t know your husband but he sounds like an asshole I’d say 90 percent of your battle will just be letting him drop his shield if it’s really anxiety
I Feel Like This All The Time And Nobody Ever Listens To Me. I Literally Feel Like I'm Always Doing Something Wrong Or I'm Always Disappointing Somebody.
I have fallen in Love with a survivor of childhood sexual molestation. She had become promiscuous and seduced me before I knew the extent of her trauma. I fell in Love with her, wanted to help and protect her. I wanted to end the cycle of abuse and promiscuity. I Love her but she pushes me away. Is it her self worth, what can I do to help her? I don't care how many men she has had sex with, I just want to be the last one. I care for her so much. It breaks my heart to see a woman throwing herself at undeserving men. All I want to do is love her.
Hi! I'm 14 and I, for some random reason, always feel the need to hurt myself when I'm mad. I don't even need to be mad at myself, just angry in general. I don't believe that I'm suicidal but I just wanna slap, punch, or cut myself when I'm mad. This has been a feeling that I have felt (When angry) for years now. Even when I was, like, 8 years old. Which is concerning to me. Does anyone else relate or is it just me?