

I think about diagnosis a lot—mostly because I live with undiagnosed mental illnesses. Even as a child, I never received any diagnosis for the struggles I faced, and, as an adult, all my diagnoses are self-diagnosed. I know there’s a lot of stigma attached to self-diagnosis, but I want to discuss self-diagnosis, being undiagnosed with mental illness, and their roles in recovery.
Self-care is beyond a popular buzzword; it is an essential practice that needs to be treated as more than just a trend. Self-care must be part of that process as we learn how to be kinder to ourselves and ultimately love who we are. In fact, self-care has taught me so much.
It's hard to deny exercise's many positive effects on the body, and going outdoors and getting into nature is a great way to refresh your mind. Combining the two and heading outside to go hiking could be the perfect solution if you want to improve your physical and mental fitness together at the same time.
A few weeks ago, I told my therapist that I would not have been able to get sober without using cannabis. She chuckled, gave me a funny look, and asked if I thought cannabis use equaled sobriety. Caught off guard, I couldn't help but wonder if she had a point. Were my years of sobriety erased? Did I need to go back to day one? Can I use cannabis and still call myself sober? 
Every individual will have a unique experience with verbal abuse recovery. Each situation is different, resulting in a personalized journey for healing that requires changing tools and strategies. However, navigating which methods to use during your recovery process can be overwhelming. It can help to have various coping strategies in abuse recovery.
I have a tool in my toolbox for schizoaffective disorder that I haven’t written about before. The tool is earplugs.
I have nonbinary gender insecurity. In America, there are two genders. There are two sexes. It is not common knowledge that sex and gender are different and that there are multiple sexes. When I applied for jobs, I was asked about my gender and given two options: male or female. I didn't even have the option I needed to answer an optional question. I wasn't sure if they meant to ask about my sex or my gender. I was forced to choose or decline.
An area of my anxiety that has been difficult to overcome has been productivity anxiety. Since I was young, I've held myself to high standards that I've found unreachable. When I was younger, these standards meant getting good grades and succeeding in school. As I got older, these standards extended to every other area of life. The problem with constantly chasing standards like this is that they get bigger, higher, and seemingly less realistic, to the point that trying to get there becomes a source of stress and anxiety. In my experience, this has looked like the need to be constantly productive. But the anxiety I experience about productivity means it always feels like what I do is never enough.
I tend to be much more transparent and vulnerable online than I am in daily face-to-face interactions. When someone I know in real life inquires about my fitness or nutrition habits (because, to the surprise of no one, this is a body-conscious culture), I notice my cheeks start to flush, and I choose the vaguest answer possible. That reaction strikes me as curious, though. Why am I still embarrassed about my eating disorder after all these years?
Dating and depression don't mix very well. When you feel terrible about yourself because of depression, it's not the best time to meet new people and try to develop healthy connections. But if your depression is longstanding, does that mean you shouldn't date? Can you successfully date while depressed?

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Hello , Who wrote this poem please ?
I love with what we believe to be autoimmune disease. My anxiety an illness have become to great to get to an actual doctor for real testing, and actual diagnosis. I've been working on trying to get over my anxiety of possibly getting stuck somewhere or getting sick in public. I haven't done the most amazing job at getting out of the house, an I started to compare my recovery speed to others. I see other people able to just jump right into a car, or go out to eat as if they never had a fear of it, but then there's me who gets nervous just being in my yard. I compare their relationship with food to mine, hygiene abilities to mine, ECT. I have yet to stop entirely, however I am learning to embrace my progression instead of cry over the potential future failures.
Jimmie Thompson
yes what is a good book for the partners of a person with DID to read to better communicate with the love one?
Hi. There can be medical exemptions for this. I suffered from severe full body Psoriasis as well as SH issues. It opened me up to the problem with bullying and further sh. I spoke to my pediatrician at the time and they wrote a letter stating that I should be allowed have my free period follow gym so that I could shower after the other people. They made accommodations for me from dressing to shower from 4th grade through high school. It’s worth looking into
Don’t worry, Garvin. I agree with you; for the most part. I have had, mostly, the same experience you have had. I did, however, find a Christian therapist once that, even though she wasn’t able to help, the fact that she shared the love of God with me, did; and she tried her best. Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of bad Christian therapists out there, too. However, don’t give up. I am currently in the Catholic Church, and praying to Our Blessed Virgin Mother, Mary, for her intercession with her son, Jesus; and it’s helping. As for the medication, I know, it sucks. However, that’s trial and error, also. God bless you, brother. Pray the Rosary!!!