
Bipolar Students: Tips To Reduce Graduation Anxiety

October 28, 2013 Alexa Poe

I am a college bipolar student, but graduation is almost here. I can already imagine the feelings of gratefulness and relief - and anxiety. This is a scary time, filled with graduation anxiety. The end of my academic life, the preparation for real life after college. Many, many college students and young adults feel inadequate and lost when entering real life, and this is undoubtedly one of the most stressful time in one’s life. There are so many things to do. Find a job, save up money (while paying off those student loans), living with parents and finding your own place. But what about those of us bipolar students and our anxiety? What can we do to reduce graduation anxiety?

Those of us with bipolar disorder have other important things to think about as well, such as affording our medications and therapy sessions, finding and affording adequate insurance for our health and recovery… So many things! This is the time where we all feel overwhelmed, not good enough, and many people take their own lives because of the all of these things (Suicide Prevention: Bipolar and Suicide).

Bipolar students and graduation anxiety is a common problem. Don't let anxiety get the best of you. Here are ways for bipolar students to cope with anxiety.

I don’t know about you, but I feel completely unprepared. Regardless of help from loved ones and research and resources offered by our school. We feel lost. So what do we do? We can’t keep living with that huge lump of anxiety in our chest, gnawing at our insides, nor can we keep staying awake all night while thinking about the complexity of everything. How can we cope with this? Is there even a way to cope with this?

Ways A Bipolar Student Can Lessen the Anxiety

Create a “Worry List” – I actually first heard about the concept of a worry list through a song from my favorite artist. Simply take a sheet of paper and write down all of your worries, anything at all. Tell yourself that you will only allow yourself to worry about those things at certain times, and no longer. My list contains anything from the cleanliness of my home to credit problems. If it worries you, it’s important and should go on the list.

Create a list of things to talk to someone about – Talk to those people who are experienced. Make a list of things that you would like to know more about in order to prepare yourself. Make it a priority to talk to someone about creating resumes and cover letters, about health care benefits and insurance (especially for medications, doctor visits, and hospital stays), apartment leases, loans, and saving accounts (Why Planning Ahead With Bipolar Is Tough).

Remember that things do turn out okay! Look at all of those people around you who are living their lives outside of academic life! Your parents and siblings have done it, your friends and distant family. Many, many people do graduate and grow, find jobs, and become successful. It is possible

Bipolar students and graduation anxiety is a common problem. Don't let anxiety get the best of you. Here are ways for bipolar students to cope with anxiety.

Set aside some time to do your research and prepare – set aside an allotted time to do all of this. Try not to sit and dwell on all of these things during every hour of every day. You will get through this.

Keep your goals and aspirations in sight – do whatever you can to keep that prize at the end of the tunnel in mind. Find inspirational quotes, pictures, anything that helps you stay motivated.

Keep a notebook – keep a notebook of all of the thoughts and feelings, and those things you find during your research. Make it an important book and something that you want to write in (The Mental Health Benefits of Journaling).

If you're graduating, what do you fear most? What are you doing to prepare yourself? If you've already graduated, what helped you get through this difficult time? Do you have any important tips and advise that other people gave you that you appreciate?

You can also find Alexa Poe on Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

APA Reference
Poe, A. (2013, October 28). Bipolar Students: Tips To Reduce Graduation Anxiety, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 25 from

Author: Alexa Poe

Patti Holm
October, 31 2013 at 2:12 pm

I feel so discouraged every time a site such as yours labels people with their diagnoses. My daughter was diagnosed with BPD when she was a student, but that in no way changed her into a bipolar student . When she had the flu, she wasn't a flu student. She was a student with the flu and a student who had bipolar disorder. I feel so sad for people who say,"I'm bipolar". If they had cancer would they say, "I"m cancer"?? Please SPEAK OUT about this! Pleasestop publishing articles that use language that stigmatizes people who have mental illnesses. Thank you.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Alexa Poe
November, 3 2013 at 1:52 am

Hi there,
It was never my intention to offend anyone, and I'm sorry that you viewed my entry that way. There are many people who feel the same way as you, and many who don't. However you view it, the fact still remains that those living with a mental illness do and/or can have certain obstacles and problems that other people without these illnesses may not face, such as learning problems or disabilities, and a harder time coping.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, though, it really does mean a lot, and I'm sorry if I offended you.
Take care,

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