
Personal Fulfillment

Something remarkable happened when I shifted my mindset from scarcity to abundance. This shift from scarcity to abundance somehow, some way, freed up energy and created more time in my days.
Balance in your daily living can lead to more joy and bliss in your life. Finding daily balance in your life can be achieved by learning about and using a wellness wheel. You might be wondering what a wellness wheel is and how knowing about it can help you live more blissfully. Several years ago, I made the conscious decision that I wanted to start focusing on what was working in my life and do more of it and the wellness wheel helped.  
Good bye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart is the memory and there you will always be. ~ Walt Disney Does the story of your life seem like it has gone by in a blink of an eye? Does goodbye seem like forever? Does farewell seem like the end?
Serving others is showing compassion, goodwill and kindness. Serving others is linked to positive effects on the helping individual’s wellbeing. Likewise, those who are the recipients of good deeds experience a positive effect on their wellbeing as well. Bottom line is, serving others includes benefits for ourselves, to include increased happiness and wellbeing.
Mastering love and happiness is life’s greatest legacy to human race. Unless we uncover the secret to love and happiness, success is nothing but just an objective desire and achievement. ~ Unknown Meaning of Love and Happiness What is love? What is happiness? Have you ever said to yourself or others, “I just want find love and be happy?” My closest family members, best friends and I say, “I love you” to each other from time to time. But, what does love really mean? I occasionally ask my friends, "Are you happy?" and they tend to say, "yes." Yet, what does happiness really mean?
Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person. ~ Albert Einstein Mastering Your Life, Unveiled What does mastering your life really mean? It means visualizing the life you want, mapping it out, and taking intentional steps to create it. I often ask people: what are your interests? What do want out of your career? Where would you like to retire? What brings you joy? Most people respond, “I really don’t know.” More often than not they are struggling emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The prevailing desire is for inner calm, peace and focus.
Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul~Democritus The Soul, Revealed On the backdrop of the scenic Lake Louise, I want to share a reflection about the "soul." What is the "soul?" This question is not about religion. It is about discovering the depths of who you are beyond what you can physically see. This is an age old question that still mystifies us today. Greek philosopher, Aristotle defined it as the psyche and Plato believed it was how we controlled our behavior. Contemporary thinkers offer variations of the same which tend to return to the essence of a person. For example:
I wonder how many times people give up just before a breakthrough - when they are on the very brink of success. ~ Joyce Meyer Are you waiting for your bliss breakthrough or are you willing your bliss breakthrough (What Does Living a Blissful Life Mean?)? Have you ever looked back and thought, “I was on the brink of my breakthrough, why did I give up?” For many of us, we never know how close we are to our bliss breakthrough because we don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel shining on the path to our dream. But, if you did see the light, are you ready to make significant change in your life?
What barriers keep you from experiencing bliss? Are you holding on to sadness, disappointment, or hopelessness rather than focusing on an outlook of bliss? Do you feel like no matter what you do all roads lead to melancholy? Many of us can think of a long and distinguished list of barriers to our bliss.
Do you feel accepted by others? Are those in your life supportive? Do you have a strong inner circle of friends? When life has you down, do those you thought would have your back come through? Do you have an authentic sense of belonging?