
How to Help Someone with a Mental Illness

March 28, 2011 Natasha Tracy

Loving and supporting someone with a mental illness is hard. Here are some ways to help a love one with a mental illness. Breaking Bipolar blog.

I talk to many people who want to help a person with a mental illness. Often the people they want to help are loved ones who have just been diagnosed with a mental illness and those who want to help feel powerless.

The “helpers” have a hard job, but let me just say, we love you for it.

Be a Powerhouse of Support for Someone With Mental Illness

Let’s just start by recognizing that mental illness is a real illness and you can’t fix it any more than you can fix cancer. I appreciate that you want to take the pain away, but please understand, you can’t. You need to accept that.

That being said, you can have an extremely important role in helping us get better. Support and love are the best things in the world.

When someone is diagnosed they may feel defective, unlovable and like they will be abandoned. If you can stand by the person with love and support and with a reminder that you’re not going anywhere, that is a magnificent gift.

Supporting a Sick Person is Hard

It’s really tough to weather the storms of a mental illness. It’s tough for the person with the illness and it’s tough for those around them. We know it’s hard. That’s why it’s such an amazing gift to try to help.

What You Can Do to Support Someone with a Mental Illness

  1. Tell them you love them, support them and won’t leave them.
  2. Tell them that they are not broken and they are the person they have always been, but they just have an illness
  3. Learn about their illness. The amount of information available out there on any illness is daunting. If you can fill in some of the blanks and do some of the work, particularly in the beginning, that’s a great help. Plus it will give you insight into what they’re going through.
  4. Help them get treatment. Drive them to appointments. Make sure they have their medications. Make sure they are talking to their doctor or therapist.
  5. Check in. Make sure they are doing OK. Make sure they are following the treatment plan.
  6. Offer to take care of a chore. Offer to make dinner. Offer to vacuum. The smallest thing is wonderful.
  7. Ask the person what they need. We’re all different and what works for us is different so the person with a mental illness can tell you best what they need.

What You Need to Do for You

Remember, get help for yourself. It’s hard to be there for a sick person. It can be really hard on you. Get your own support. It’s OK to say you need help too.

Make sure you create some boundaries. If you do everything on the list you will fall over of exhaustion. Pick reasonable things you can do. No one can do it all.

Your Support is a Gift

Whatever you do, know that your support is a gift. We might not be able to tell you at this moment. We might be too wrapped up in our illness to tell you how wonderful you are. Other people would run, but you didn’t. Your support doesn’t have to be perfect to be amazing.

You can find Natasha Tracy on Facebook or GooglePlus or @Natasha_Tracy on Twitter or at the Bipolar Burble, her blog.

APA Reference
Tracy, N. (2011, March 28). How to Help Someone with a Mental Illness, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 25 from

Author: Natasha Tracy

Natasha Tracy is a renowned speaker, award-winning advocate, and author of Lost Marbles: Insights into My Life with Depression & Bipolar. She also hosted the podcast Snap Out of It! The Mental Illness in the Workplace Podcast.

Natasha will be unveiling a new book, Bipolar Rules! Hacks to Live Successfully with Bipolar Disorder, late 2024.

Find Natasha Tracy here as well as on X, InstagramFacebook, Threads, and YouTube.

Melissa Brown
October, 18 2017 at 10:30 pm

My niece is 7 about to be 8. She has been telling me I hate you and I wish you would die and to leave and never come back. It hurts cause I helped raise her and her brothers. I want to know what to do? We put her in time out it don't help. It all started happening when I moved back in to help my brother and sister in law. She was so sweet and now she is evil. I have videos of her saying that she wishs I was dead.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Natasha Tracy
October, 19 2017 at 4:29 am

Hi Melissa,
I'm not sure if you're suggesting that your niece has a mental illness, but I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. A change in behavior like that can be brought on by many things. If you find that you're hitting a wall with her, I recommend family therapy. Most issues can be worked out that way.
- Natasha Tracy

Christy Avery
January, 14 2017 at 9:31 am

Any advice on getting guardianship/ conservatorship? 72 year old mother, unmedicated, bipolar disorder, disease progressively worsening after lifetime of refusal to take medication, getting to the point where she is wrecking some major havoc with her finances in addition to experiencing some fairly major paranoid delusions. Involved the legal system 16 years ago and all that resulted was insurance benefits exhausted, our relationship was fairly adversely affected because I had her committed against her will and she hasnt really ever forgiven me, no medications given because she threatened hospital with lawsuit despite having court order to treat, hospital threatened to ship her off to large city nursing home far away when I pressed the issue, so I have been loath to do that again but I need to step in and take over soon to prevent her from becoming homeless and not sure how to go about it without paying an attorney an arm and a leg- looking for educational resources . Any help would be appreciated.

Dr Musli Ferati
November, 11 2016 at 10:08 pm

Unlike other illnesses, mental ones require longlived and lucid care, with many perplex emotional experiences. So it is of vital meaning to have got elementary knowledge about this category of humane pathology to provide functional a satisfying help to anyone with mental disorder. First of all it ought to know that mental illness is like any other somatic disorder that need medical and paramedical care. Indeed mental disorder indicates any disturbance of brain's chemical substances. The correction of these biochemical distraction requires comprehensive and appropriate psychiatric treatment, which ones didn,t exclude any psycho-social intervention. The best way to help any person with mental illness is to have compassion and sincere intention to support the same person. The main principle for that performance are given by your seven suggestions that compensate meaningfully up do date psychiatric treatment and management of any mental disorder. In this direction the objection to set the limit between yourself on psychiatric patient exhibits crucial remark, because mental illness surmount interpersonal relations with harmful emotional and personal repercussions, as well. Inassmuch as we remount this limit, then we harm oneself and psychiatric patient. Therefore the process of helping and support should be moderate and in concordance with personal needs and desires of mentally ill patients. Any surpassing of professional helping would damage the appropriate psychiatric treatment of pertain psychiatric patient.

October, 30 2016 at 5:14 pm

I have a family member (early 20s) who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, paranoia and psychosis. It's been over 2 years since the illness fully manifested. There were 3 hospitalizations in the early stages...and since then we've been doing our best to avoid sending him there. The stays never seemed to help him...His psychiatrist also acknowledgesd that he doesn't belong there (no offense to other patients in the clinic). Anyhow things were going fairly well (had a job + no glaring symptoms) , until few months ago (after a vacation) started exhibiting symptoms (laughing, talking to himself, lying). Main issue he wants to drink (can't afford it), and we've seen it derail his life in the past (misdemeanor), so we have zero tolerance policy. Now we suspect he's been stealing. We don't know what to do...and have questions:
1. Are there any inpatient centers where he can stay for a shot-term period that are affordable? We are unable to manage...lost my job bc I had to take time off too many times. But we also know...3-7 day stay at the same center isn't going to help. Also it requires voluntary admission...but we don't want to wait for an emergency like in the past (all 3 times, cops had to be called). He's made major strides (no longer violent), but needs help. How can we help?
2. Should we let him get caught? Or continue try preventing crisis where cops are's impossible to follow him around everywhere he goes.

September, 22 2016 at 5:31 pm

Can you truly help someone, or multiple people at the same time who have mental illness if he/she does not help the self?
What degree should you be involved in the happenings of mental illness so that you can remain functioning and healthy?
When is it time to step back, set boundaries and let he/she do the heavy lifting and lean on the mental health professionals?
All of these questions are relevant. I have come to the conclusion it is necessary to step back as it helps both you and the person(s) you love and care for. I am in my mid 30's and I have been dealing with mental illness in my family since I was 5 years old with my mother who is bi-polar and on medication long-term and now my youngest sister recently diagnosed as bi-polar with psychosis and currently hospitalized.
I have also dated several people with untreated mental illness of similar nature to my mother and my sister.
My partner of almost 4 years has OCD including relationship OCD however is very self aware and functioning -- I think this helps to develop awareness. He knows my life and I know his, he knows things I process in relation to his thoughts and actions and he knows I pick up on everything like a sponge. He loves me and I love him and we do so with passion and with honesty - coming back to this simple way is at the heart of our relationship. We have to have checks and balances and also it is okay to be upset with the understanding it is being worked through. I could have chosen to run away but I know that it is work in progress and am enjoying the process of deepening love and hard work.
For those in a relationship situation, understanding the nature of illness and how it may manifest in your relationship is immensely helpful. I have to be particularly aware that I am sensitive to his moods and projections, positive or negative and know when to step back and give him space and when to talk it out. I have to let him make his own realizations about his illness -- this applies to both family and romantic relationships - it should not be different whether it is your mother, sister, brother, father or your partner.
Remain aware and do not hide anything even to yourself. Have boundaries with what you will and will not accept and take on as your own. Let the other person know that these things are needed to live life in a healthy way. The illness of someone else will be a part of your life and on your mind and in your heart but it is not your job, your burden or your task to take on at your complete expense to "fix" it all.
For those who are family members dealing with mental illness and/or have a partner that is as well -- I really feel for you. And yes, it is okay for you to say that you are exhausted by the effects of mental illness. I have been working at this and it makes me feel better knowing that I have not hidden my feelings as they matter as much as everyone else's feelings. There is an unpredictability and long-term nature that is all encompassing with mental illness. We do not know what is in someone else's mind truly as we can only follow the cues and listen. Real progress and understanding is attainable for everyone, whatever the result or ending of the life story.
I just want to let others know it is okay to step back for your own health until you can appropriately set boundaries, learn about and understand the nature of the mental illness and appreciate how it affects the person you love and care for. It is okay to go and talk to someone yourself to learn how to cope. Be fiercely optimistic in loving others and work and try to love yourself in the process. Life can be a fine and beautiful balance.

August, 14 2016 at 7:51 pm

Not sure if it's too late to get a response, but it would help a lot. As a senior I sort of dated this freshman girl (didn't really because school as strict). I realize that at such a young age these sort of relationships or iffy, but the important part is that after a month or so while I tried to explain my tough situation as a senior boy, she told me that she has bipolar depression. I tried to remain her friend and in the following semester she called me to calm herself down during anxiety attacks while I comforted her through a rough freshman year. Upon graduation I realized that because of age, I couldn't be there in the way she wanted me to. Teachers weren't comfortable with me hanging out with her. I want to support her and be there for her, but at the same time how do I do that when being with her makes me feel like I'm breaking some social norm (which I am). People have told me to just let her go, but walking away would not only be extremely hard for me, but painful for her. It's also just the age, so in a a few years or so, the age won't even matter. Is it bad that I am the person she often relies on or feels safe with even though I am not necessarily good for her?

January, 17 2016 at 3:41 am

Plz help me!!!!
My sister lives in Delhi , and she is very badly depressed ( I don't know reason of depression ) but I live in Varanasi , so for metal treatment I need to bring her to varanasi for doctors support.
How to bring her to varanasi if she strictly refuses my request?
She is a married woman with 2 children, her weight is approximately 70-80 kg, so how could I mange to bring her home????
October, 15 2015 at 9:05 am

Hi maybe you people can help me make mentally ill person stop hurting me . I don't know what to do any there making me even move, I just don't know or fix there illness . I have dealt with lot of people with mentally illness but this wants make my life like hell !

September, 21 2015 at 3:29 am

I know it's a post from long time ago. But still I want to ask some questions if it happens someone walk pass here and will answer me.
My boyfriend he has been depressed for around four years, on and off, tried almost everything he could try: different meds, ECT, even now he just had ketamine infusion. But still the doctor just told him it doesn't work on him. I don't know how to comfort him this is too much and too harsh even for me. This is so cruel to him and I couldn't even imagine how he feels when he knows that even ketamine doesn't work on him. He is really treatment resistant.
I just want to know how I can possibly make him feel better. I'm thinking about helping him on changing daily life schedule. But he sometimes told me he is so tired of talking about his depression. I don't wanna make him run away from me since at least now if I talk to him he still response. Just won't talk to me first usually it's me bring up conversation. I can't risk anything that would push him away.
Please if anyone can give me some advice that would be very helpful. Thanks. And I wish you all best. At least we have each other.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

February, 11 2018 at 11:06 am

Ask him to ask his psychiatrist if transmagnetic cranial stimulation could help him.

DeMyra Jones
April, 16 2015 at 7:07 pm

I need help to talk to someone about the person I love who is dealing with this mental illness.

March, 17 2015 at 1:31 pm

Hi Kent
Have you tried reading “I Am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help
By Xavier Amador. It’s available on-line at Cavershams for $23.50. It’s written by a psychologist. His brother Henry (a schizophrenic) wouldn’t take his medication either so he came up with a way to talk to his brother to get him to comply. There’s also Youtube videos on line about this author talking about his techniques

March, 17 2015 at 10:48 am

We are at a loss....we have no idea how to help my brother. He has always been bipolar, with episodes of manic depression. He seems to take off and leave the state, only to have a breakdown and end up in a mental hospital. Recently, he had another break down, and ended up attacking someone, which ended him up in jail in another state. He was nonverbal for days, so we had no idea what had happened to him. Since then, he was institutionalized and is soon getting out. He wants us to come get him (he is 8 hours away), set him up in an apartment (pay for everything), etc. My family is shaking their heads because every one is done with him (he's in his 50's and he keeps promising "this time is different"). What are our options? We know he is not able to take care of himself (taking his meds, not drinking, etc). We have encouraged him into going into a group type home once he's released, but he refuses. Now he is saying that he is too high functioning to be in a group home. He has shown signs of Schizophrenia (hearing voices while in prison). I feel like he has fallen through the cracks, because the case workers/drs don't see it (he is very manipulative - but we thought the drs would see this and catch on). We have no idea where to start. Please help.....

March, 16 2015 at 1:11 pm

Agree with Renita, CBT can really help. Some free online resources are worth checking. For example, You have to complete a short assessment first. Based on your symptoms, you get a free CBT program adapted to your needs and an access to a peer chat.

March, 15 2015 at 2:05 pm

Hello, I have tried before to post both questions and comments especially in the areas of whether I am bi polar 2 or have major depression disorder. Regardless both come with anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue, and migraines since age 12. Just this most recent in Nov. 2014 I had TWO major overdoses that one left me clinging to life with a breathing tube, IV bags to help flush out the massive toxicity these pills I took were going thru my liver and kidneys. And by insurance refusal to pay for further medical or psych in=patient care I had racked up too many days in ICU and a medical floor til I was finally health wise safe to go to the psych ward but like I said my insurance wouldn't budge. Now why and how I proceeded to yet again try this attempt on my life with the rest of medication I had been hoarding for this purpose and physically couldn't hold them in the first try so I figured lets try again. This time the hospital and patient advocate at the hospital got me into the psych ward, again once Medically safe to continue care there. 12 days later I went home not feeling any better since this seemed like just another time I had put my family thru all these episodes since going back to 2010 have been a LOT. I am now back home with the same psych doctor I had for over a year now and my husband thinks this woman will soon lead me to death whether its due to just the shear amount of meds and the combos with my migraine meds so if I list them is there anyone whether from their own expierences or a doctor if I am going in the entire wrong course. So here is the complete list: Lamictal 200mg/daily, Propranolol 200mg/daily, Adderall 60mg/daily, Xanax 2mg/4 daily, Seroquel 300mg/nightly, Ambien CR 12.5mg/nightly, Fetzima 80mg/daily, and the PRN meds for the migraines are: Phenergen 25mg/per attack, Imitrex Injections/per attack, Cambia liquid, Spinx Nasal spray/ again during or while or after an attack. Just had my 6th attempt of Botox injections in which I will need 2 more times to get any results...if I can hang on. I should mention that I am a 40 year old woman, height 5'1 and weigh 109 pounds. I have had many issues along with the migraines, all the mental illness issues I have eating disorder behaviors and I know and so does my doctor but again the Adderall is a necessary evil just like taking the new anti-depressant Fetzima and my Imitrex Shots can cause serotin syndrome?? I know its a vicious cycle everyday pretty much taking uppers and then downers but I am at a loss since I do see the psych weekly for not just medication management but also therapy. My neurologist is in contact with her and again when the issues came up about possible fatal reactions with the meds I take for both they agreed again that the possibility of a reaction outweigh me not taking one or the other and end up trying yet again to "escape" this hell I call my life...again I don't even know where this whole rambling story will go but I do need somewhere to vent to people that also have these issues and since its anonymous there is more chance of a support base since again my husband is that type of person that depression is just a fancy word for "lazy" and anxiety is just a reason to get to take meds to be "out of it" etc...even though we have been together for 20 years, he believes everything that has ever been about a migraine since its been since day one he has witnessed and been to doctors and seen me go thru painful treatments, had awful side effects of migraine meds but somehow overlooks the other amount of psych meds that could never be any fun for anyone to take and as far as over taking any meds I never abused them, I did hoard them before which put me in a lot of agony but I figured it was for a "greater cause" ending it I don't want to ever go there again in my head but without support and belief frommy family that depression is as serious as cancer...I have no where else to turn. Thanks to anyone who will ever see and read this...sweetmalis

March, 15 2015 at 11:09 am

Hi Devon
From my experience, various types of therapy such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) (for negative thinking) or Social Rhythm Therapy can be useful. If professional therapy is not an option, then there's also self help workbooks out there for bipolars if the person is willing to put in the time and effort to use them
There's also different classes of psychiatric medications that can be helpful such as mood stabilizers. Unfortunately it can take along time to find the right one or a combination of meds that work well. Some people give up after years of trying out of sheer frustration, constantly feeling like a lab experiment. We all react differently to medication and some of the side effects can be really awful. Then there's the issue of stigma to deal with. It can be overwhelming.
Of course the usual, eat right, exercise and get enough rest is important but especially for someone with this illness
A book called Loving Someone With Bipolar Disorder by Julie A Fast is also very popular for loved ones
Hope this helps

March, 15 2015 at 8:01 am

I have been reading all of your comments and am finding them all very helpful. I have been in a relationship for 3 years and I have a boyfriend with a mental bipolar disorder. One day will be fine and the next it's we're done and I'm said tired of the back and forth. What do I do? I really believe that in by heart we can be together forever because he genuinly does love me. And I can see us going forward but I don't want this t pool be like this forever. I guess what I'm asking is is there a way to stabilize a positive attitude other than the things that I've been doing is staying positive for him. It is affecting his healthy dramatically and all I want to do is save him.

February, 18 2015 at 4:12 am

For the families and friends of someone with bipolar disorder please consider the following
In much the same way that an alcoholic has to want to get well so does someone with bipolar disorder. People drink because it makes them feel good. The same holds true for people with bipolar mania or hypomania. Their illness makes them feel good too (at least part of the time). It's true that there are a high number of people with bipolar disorder that drink as well. That's why it's so darn hard to convince them that they need help. Sometimes an alcoholic ends up in jail and sometimes a bipolar ends up in a psych ward (that can also feel like a jail, by the way especially if they are involuntarily committed)
The best time to get their attention is on the downturn. For the alcoholic, often that's when they hit bottom. For the bipolar it's when they are in a deep depression.
A word of caution though antidepressants can throw someone with bipolar disorder back into mania or hypomania (it's one of the things that distinguishes a depression from a bipolar depression ) so they are rarely prescribed for someone with bipolar disorder. Unfortunately not much of the medication out there for people with bipolar disorder is as helpful for depression as it is for mania or hypomania. Many of these medications can be very sedating which often leads family and friends to believe that a person is 'better' when really they are not, especially if they are very depressed (just the stigma alone of having a mental illness can be very depressing for the individual). There are also many troubling side effects to these medications as there are with any other medications. Some can even be life threatening. Hopefully all that will change over time as new and improved medications are developed.
Sorry to be such a downer but that's the truth. I hope this helps to shed some light on the situation

February, 16 2015 at 10:43 pm

I know it can be difficult but finding a way to empower (give back control) as opposed to disempower (by trying to take total control of the situation yourself) works best to help your loved one be more responsible in finding a way to balance out their moods, with the help of a professional of course, at least that's what worked best for me.
Taking away my personal power or railroading me into finding help only caused me to dig my heals in more and reject all help that was being offered.

February, 16 2015 at 9:54 pm

Mary, I understand your frustration but as a very stubborn independant adult with bipolar 1 who was involuntarily committed on 3 separate occasions over a 15 year period, I can honestly tell you that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink, certainly not in the long run, and you truly can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
Nobody likes to be forced to do anything, especially when it makes them feel awful as many of the psychotropics medications do. It can take a long time and be very trying for both a patient and yes their family as well to get the medications right. Remember too that medication is only half the answer. There's also many effective forms of counselling that can be effective too in combination with medication. Sometimes it takes shopping around for a compassionate competent psychiatrist (for the physical aspects) and a psychologist (for the mental aspects)
Ultimately your daughter has to want to get well. Try to think of something she values that would be a good motivator.
In reality unless she is a minor or legally a danger to herself or others there's not a whole lot you can do except maybe try your best to be supportive by gently and lovingly encouraging her to seek help.
Yes it's true that many bipolar individuals lack insight while in the throws of their illness and they may need to be involuntarily committed. Bipolar disorder is also a progressive illness as it tends to get worse over time without the right help. Psychosis can be a possibility that can be very scary for an individual because everything seems so real when in fact it isn't.
Also remember to you don't have to take the abuse your daughter dishes out. It's okay to set some healthy boundaries for yourself as well

February, 16 2015 at 3:15 pm

If a person is committed, made a ward of the state will they really get the help they need or will they just be kept drugged up. What rights if any does the family have. I was told I should do this with my daughter. I envision movies I have seen where the person is put on drugs and just kept in a catatonic state for years. I need help but I don't know if this is the way to go or not. With the law saying an adult with bipolar has to make their own decisions for their treatment and the parents have no say I don't know what to do. Which way to go.

February, 16 2015 at 3:06 pm

Is there anyway to get someone help with bipolar that refuses help because they don't think they need help or meds. When on her meds she is fine. She hates the way the meds make her feel. Dizzy, sleepy, spaced out. She looks high when she is on her meds. She is 20 yrs old and the doctors tell us she has to make the decisions for her treatments. She causes such turmoil in the house!!!!! Always cussing at us, yelling instigating fights. We have called the police and she has been taken to the hospital put on meds comes out ok then she stops taking her meds and the cycle begins again until another out of control episode happens. Cops, hospital, meds ok until she stops taking the meds. A person that is an adult but is sick should not have the say in their treatment. They are SICK. We should be able to have a say and be able to get information from the doctors since in my case I am taking care of my daughter. The doctors, group people ( the couple of times she did go) and anyone else should include us in what is going on with her treatment and allow us to voice our opinion and they should listen since we are with her all the time and know what is going on with her. That is a law that needs to changed!!!! A person that is bipolar cannot make decisions for themselves if they are off the meds or even on the meds sometimes.

January, 25 2015 at 10:52 am

Love and support are wonderful things but sometimes our loved ones/friends are not the best source of support because they are too close to the situation and simply do not understand what we are going through. That's where professional help and support groups can be useful
You can lovingly lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. Metaphorically speaking they have to be thirsty enough to do that for themselves but if they get too sick then the situation becomes more serious and you need to be forceful, ie get them Sectioned

January, 25 2015 at 10:27 am

My name is Carrie and I'm living with my boyfriend who has a mental illness and it's been very overwhelming dealing with the ups and downs and I'm also a single mother as well. The challenges of financial struggles, and the weight of doing everything . I'm trying to get my boyfriend services with programs to get him supportive independent housing, benefits for food stamps and Medicaid as well but I not getting any results. Please help

September, 17 2014 at 5:47 am

I think it is important to point out that all physical illnesses are not cancer, and some chronic mental illness is manageable and up to the sick person to manage with his/her physician. I would not like it if a diabetic loved one ate a whole chocolate cake and went into diabetic shock. And I don't like it when my mentallly ill loved ones don't take their medications and don't go to treatment and say they can't help it because they are ill. They can.

September, 16 2014 at 8:42 am

what can we do about my brother who is in his 40's married with a 3 yr old, has bi-polar, but was medicated and doing fine until about 4 yrs ago. His wife refuses to help us and we think she is stealing from him and and will take the house from under him. He doesn't work because she was the breadwinner, she had him stay at home since their son was born. So the only money he has is from the sale of a condo, but he says he has to help her pay the bills with that money. Shouldn't she be telling him to get a job if they need more money-not dip into savings? His "job" is to take of their son. No play groups, no social interaction with any adults. They can go for walks, and be home at lunch so she can feed their son (she was working from home until yesterday). My brother is regressing, has no memory of people in the past or places he has been. He doen't know how to get to restaurants he had been going t o for years. I recently took a walk with him to try and talk to him and he was waving at the seagulls and talking baby talk "hi seagull" My mother has tried to talk to his wife to get her to help us get him back on his lithium, she said he is the same person as when they met. And took the opportunity tell my mother she doesn't like the way we were raised and she doesn't want their son near us because we might rub off on him. Today my brother called my mother and said wife got a new job making $100K, but she won't tell him where or what she is doing. I think she is going to get free daycare and preparing to throw my brother out. We are scared he will have nothing-we are not sure if the house is still in both names. What can we do?

September, 5 2014 at 4:08 am

My husband hung himself on monday 9/1/2014
He is now blaming everyone else but himself.
I have no support system out here.he is in complete
Denial.i just don't know how to help him.

September, 2 2014 at 1:28 pm

I couldn't have put the words in this article any better. These words have been in my heart and I want to share them with those who love me and want to help, so I am passing this on. I am sorry to hear the stories of those who have to take care of love ones and have it so hard. I remember before I was medicated the terror I must have been to those around me. And now that I am medicated, I still have those days, weeks, months. But I appreciate those who stuck by me, when I thought all was lost. Hang in there. Take care of yourselves. Hopefully in all the chaos, you will find some peace. Thanks for the article Tracy

July, 23 2014 at 2:44 pm

We took in a young man 5 months ago and it comes through very strongly he has mental health issues. I have spoken to his family who have said he was under mental health but refused all appointments and treatments and a full diagnoses was never made. I now feel like I am trapped in my own home and fear for mine and my children's safety as he has now started videoing himself with weapons. He also has a thing with playing with fire. His eating habits are way out there and his moods are always up and down. None of his family are willing to help. I have contacted a few places to try get help but with no help from any of them we are stuck in a hole that just seems to be getting bigger and bigger. I have a 2 yr old girl who I am majorly concerned about as I have just been made aware of some strange going on with his little sister. I am hoping you can give me a push in the right direction to get him the help he needs. I myself suffer with depression which has escalated over the past couple of weeks and I am feeling imprisoned in my own home. Any suggestions of anyone I can contact would be highly appreciated. Thanks

June, 12 2014 at 4:40 pm

What a blessing to have found this page. I am struggling in a two year relationship with a man that within the last few months was diagnosed BP1, severe depression, paranoia, etc. I always knew something was wrong but not to this extent. I am doing my best to love and support but it is becoming too much. Am finding that lies is a huge part of our life and the roller coaster of moods is slowing breaking this relationship. He says he just lies "because" and that is destroying us. Funny thing is lies are like a 5 year old would tell not a grown man, about silly things. His depression, guilt, days that he loses doing nothing are killing us both...

OC Pat
June, 8 2014 at 9:15 am

Hi, Angela, Know that you are not alone. I used to pray and pray and pray just for a friend. I don't know where you live but DBSA Depression Bipolar Support Association has support groups. I would try to be a little careful in wearing your friend out re: your emotional troubles. Maybe you could share them with her just a little and share them here or on another chat room or blog or with a therapist. It is way hard to get over child hood abuse. I understand feeling lonely even though you have a husband and 3 kids. I have felt the same. Where I live, there are also support groups for people suffering from depression, women's support groups, etc. I doubt if her friendship is fake, but I do know that I have "run people off" by always talking about my emotional problems and being too 'needy'. That's a lot of pressure to put on someone to be your only friend. My prayers are with you and I hope you find some way to get out and be around other people not just your one friend.

Angela garoutte
June, 7 2014 at 1:29 pm

I have mental illness but have a question hoping someone can help me I am off meds except anxiety but I was abused as child molested and shuned as well but my question is I'm 35 no friends had one years ago have a new friend and I daily feel I'm gonna loose her friendship like its fake I think about her all time I'm married 3 kids but still feel lonely just want good friend sometimes wanna die can't get this feeling outta head always need talk to her afraid running her off what's wrong with me

May, 24 2014 at 3:05 pm

This is exactly where I am at in my life. I fell in love, married, and had a child with a crazy man. I've just started taking time for myself. I've just recently started Prozac as his moods(this winter has been extremely brutal on him) completely dictate mine. I knew after a few months in that he was clinically crazy(not derogatory...that's what we call it in this house). I made the vows in sickness and health. Some days it's just so hard to watch him struggle and watch him shit me out. I take it so personal when he shuts me out and often I don't feel he appreciates all that I shoulder. I love him dearly it's just so darn hard at times.

Steve Warner
February, 28 2014 at 11:48 am

Hi, I am concerned for my partner, she has most of the signs of a mental illness. I really do not know what to do. I took her to the hospital yesterday and she really didn't get anything from it. They didn't seem to interested, just referred her to a GP. She is reaching out and feels that there is no one here able to help her. Can someone please help me, so I know what path to take.

January, 28 2014 at 4:45 am

I am a widow/single mom and my son is BP, has anxiety, depression, PTSD, & social phobeia. He is on disibility. After my husband passed away 14 years ago of abusing his body with drugs I do believe he was BP as well. My son has the same symptoms that his dad had. He is getting his medications but abuses them. He has recently moved back in and it is taking a toll on me. I can't convince him to get help. He has never hurt me but that still doesn't stop him from terrorizing me. I can't get any help from the law because he has a drug charge pending and they will not help until he gets that taken care of. I sleep with my door barracaded sometimes and shouldn't have to do that. I can't even have a relationship because after someone finds out I have a son living at home and bi-polar they run the other way. I have rely on my neighbor to help out when my son gets out of hand. He scares the living day lights out of me when he's this way. I have read and read and taken all the necessary steps I can to help him, but he still doesn't want to help himself. He hasn't had a job in a long time and has a change of getting a pretty decent one through the rehabilitation program here; BUT they told him he has to go through the 12 step program for that drug charge before they will help him. I can't do no more. Any suggestions? Please help.

December, 29 2013 at 6:49 pm

I was hoping you may have some advice. My sister-in-law has some type of mood disorder. Her moods go up and down. Like clockwork, at the dinner table, someone may make a remark that sets her off and she will cry and run off. Her husband and son will immediately run after her. We always walk on egg shells. I have gotten skilled at trying to keep things on an even keel and diffuse situations if I feel they are starting. She tajes care of her elderly mother who confided in me that her moods are up and down and it is very difficult to cope. We want to talk to her and urge her to get help. Everyone is afraid to do it. Prior to her visits I get physically ill in anticipation. Do you have any advice on how we could proceed? Thank you!

November, 21 2013 at 8:43 am

hi laura, i was lucky (i think) my friend who told me she has bipolar disorder,was not doing good a few weeks ago. and talked to her social worker who reminded her that she was diagnosed with bpd,and she told me this, now i found a new web site besides this one which i really like, good luck i hope your siter in-laws family can get her to a hospital,

November, 18 2013 at 9:12 pm

Hi Laura,
I'm sorry about your sister and I think it sounds like she is mentally ill and needs medical treatment and a psychologist.
It is very common for people not to seek or cooperate with treatment. This is actually part of the illness. You may have to get her sectioned, according to the laws of your country. This may be difficult if she is not a danger to anyone, but she is a danger to herself as the illness is destroying her relationships and alienating her from her support network.
Putting someone away for treatment is a scary thing to do but you have her best interests at heart.
I have bipolar and did not seek treatment for about a year after symptoms had started. It would have been good if the people around me had been more knowledgeable to get the help earlier.
It is good to see a counsellor if you have a mental illness but there is not much point if you are at the stage of acute paranoias as you described your sister is doing. She need medication and protection. There is hope of improvement.

November, 17 2013 at 11:31 pm

I was wondering if anyone had some advice to help me regarding my sister in law (please see post "Laura says: March 27, 2013 at 9:11 am" ).
She improved earlier this year but is now back in the same frame of mind as Christmas 2012, we are at our wit's end on how we can help her as she refuses all medical treatment...
Thanks in advance if anyone has any advice!

August, 14 2013 at 12:54 am

I recently having to deal with a sibling who is diagnosed with bi-polar. In my mind the word exist but never do I take the time to research what it is and the a medical aspects of it. Is this something carried from the family gene? I can't seem to find anything that justify this but I would like to know. My aunt has it and so does my sibling.

August, 11 2013 at 7:42 am

Hi i have the same situation as allison, i also suspect my moma has a mental illness, she's always angry and has gotten worse, also more violent. Starting to hit when she gets angry, breaking throwing things. I can't leave her alone for 2 minutes without something going on, could be screaming for hours, now she goes outside our door just yelling and at people, seems always wanting to argue with someone, been like this all her life or since i was a very little when i noticed.everything gets her angry even me talking on the phone, my mom has been in the house alone for years wich probably could of help trigger this. When we go out and shes normal, shes so sweet and just wants to enjoy or do something. I don't know where to go or do, i dont want to send her to a mental hospital but i will if i have to, she talks to herself or to someone who isnt there, im not sure if she actually believes someones there or its because she has no one to talk to, im fed up and need to do something, it affected my life an a part of me, she doesnt want to do anything, escpecially important things, like do her medical card or go to the hospital, has a fractured hip, shes unable to have a normal conversation or understand most of the time, except with me mostly, she sayscrazy things, wishing bad things on other people guessing cuz she angry. Please help any advice
Angry,bored,lonely which leads her to think and get mad and talk by herself as if she's speaking with someone. Banging ,throwing & breaking things in the house. constant slamming doors and screaming. Yelling outside & at others outside minding there own buisness. Seems to always want to argue with someone( maybe because of the need to interact socially with someone) Little bit Illusional. Most of times- Unable to have a normal conversation without getting angry or letting the other person speak. Says things that aren't true. 5050 She is either angry, irrational and cant speak sense into her or she is calm and able to conversate. Home all day bored so is constantly cleaning, rearranging furniture, and wanting to throw things. Unsatisfied with whats in the house. Most times has lost the will to enjoy life or do normal things. At times deppressed. Other personal problems affect her to feel deppressed or angry. Cant control her anger. Feels alone as if she has no one, at times seems as if she wants help or screams for it. Unable & not well to work. Home all day & day after day so has suddenly wanting to leave the house & has started to go to stores accomponied by me, but is embarresed of how she looks of how she walks( fractured hip) and does not want to use her walker(marchet) anymore. And is still unstable mentally. Constant speaking to someone who isnt there because of being alone home for so long. ** In her mind she is mostly always right and cant talk to her or convince her, cant explain her anything at times, always her way, doesnt want to get help or doesn't believes she needs any. Doesn't want to do anything, doesn't want to go out, everything gets her angry, can't get her to do anything important, doesnt want to do her medical card or got to hospital for her leg, says she doesnt need to, makes it hard for her and us**

July, 31 2013 at 2:33 am

hi allison, i heard of a group called try looking that up on your computer and see if they have meeting near you,or maybe some other surport group,alateen etc.... there is help for all of us we just have to look for it,,

July, 3 2013 at 3:58 pm

HI, I was wondering if anybody could help me. I am sixteen and I have a mother whom I suspect has a mental illness. She can be loving and sweet and then get angry for no reason at all and start screaming yelling, being violent and abusive, She has been this way my entire life. She gets angry with tiny things like if my father makes a face or says something she finds displeasing. She gets extremely violent even to the point where she has threatened to hurt us with a hammer or a piece of wood. It's been this way my whole life.

June, 1 2013 at 4:37 pm

I'm sorry to hear about your brother. How long ago was it that he was discharged from the army? There may be a way to appeal that discharge, asking instead for a medical discharge. It depends on circumstances, I'm sure, though. The reason I think of that is because I know someone who finally got a medical discharge from the army, but it wasn't easy to get and he hadn't been previously discharged, dishonorably or any other way. So I don't know. But it may be worth a shot.
I think it's worth a shot because that dishonorable discharge may very well be what's contributing to your brother's refusal to look at his illness. Think about it. How would you respond? It's not a conscious choice necessarily, but it certainly makes sense as a natural reaction. At least to me it does.
Lastly, you say his diagnosis is 'bipolar schizophrenia'. That's not really one diagnosis. It's two. Have they diagnosed him with both, one or the other? Sometimes there may be a diagnosis like schizoaffective bipolar disorder, which basically means the schizophrenic-like symptoms happen when he cycles moods. But the two disorders are very closely linked; more studies are being done to look at this. I recall reading one summary review of a study that suggested perhaps these two disorders are really one on a larger spectrum.
Hang in there.

May, 3 2013 at 9:35 pm

I am having a really tough time and have no idea where to go or what to do. My brother listed in the military (Army to be exact) and was the top of his graduating class with a difficult MOS (medical laboratory specialist). He then went active duty for a few years and went through some pretty difficult stuff which I believe triggered his bipolar and/or schizophrenia disorder. The Army gave him a dishonorable discharge instead of helping him take care of his illness, and he now believes he is on his own. I can't believe the Army would just leave someone stranded like that. What he doesn't realize is that we, my parents and I, are right there besides him. We are willing to do whatever it takes to help him and will never quit, but he will not even acknowledge he has an illness. He will not allow us to help him. He has been diagnosed, but refuses to take medication. He often gets extremely irritable and angry, while at other times he is completely quiet and depressed. He was diagnosed with bipolar schizophrenia. He doesn't socialize, eat well, and injures himself without knowing it. Often he walks for miles to the point his feet get blisters and even where his nail came off once and he was not even bothered. He nearly chain smokes, doesn't eat right, etc. etc. I have no idea what to do, and unfortunately, our legal system here doesn't help. As a matter of fact, I cannot believe that our legal system does not enable loved ones to force care upon those who cannot take care of themselves. The worst part about it is that I know of someone who was Baker Acted/5150d and released and later killed his own father. How can I get him to realize he needs help and actually get it before it ever gets to be that bad?

May, 1 2013 at 12:05 pm

I am so sorry to hear of your predicament. From your message, I gather that maybe your grandparents live with your uncle? I also get the sense that you are grown and not living with your parents or in the same town as the rest of your family. ??
My first bit of "advice" is to remember about basic needs. With how you described the situation, it seems (at least to me) that your grandfather is not having his needs met, by his own will or the wills of others. Laying on the ground for 24 or more hours, and having bowel movements without any cleaning, is indeed a serious matter. You need to get him help.
Do you have any siblings you could talk to about this? Cousins? That would certainly be helpful, so you don't feel like you are alone. The next thing to do would be to look for your state's (where your grandfather resides) Department of Human Services. Google exactly what I just typed in and the name of your state. Browse around that site, keeping an eye out for anything that looks like it may relate to 'mental health', 'seniors' or 'aging', 'independent living' etc. You should be able to find a number somewhere that you can call and someone will be able to tell you what can be done for your long as someone gets the ball rolling, and it sounds like you may be the one give it that motion.
Good luck, and please let me know if there's anything I can do for you.

April, 27 2013 at 10:32 pm

You can't change or cure him but you most certainly can help him and make his life better. You can't change your other relatives either or the family dynamic. Just be yourself.

Jamila Leclerc
April, 27 2013 at 1:53 pm

so my grandfather has a mental illness and it has gotten worse my mom has said his blackouts are getting worse and he's seeing things that are not there because hes getting older and for 3-4 days he wants to lay on the floor and he has ocd(he wears diapers so constantly wiping his butt)and my grandmother i kinda feel bad for her cause shes constantly arguing at him and stuff and my uncle wants him to pick himself back up to get stronger so my uncle wont help him off the ground and etc. and my mom says you cant help a person with that disorder,is that true and why? if you cant because i think everyone deserves a little help here and there and i believe anyone/everyone needs help whatever the case may be to get better so what do you say to all my ranting and raving about this?

Natasha Tracy
April, 11 2013 at 5:42 pm

Hi Cindy,
You're in a really tough spot, to be sure. Many people have been there though. It does get better.
With regards to contact, it is a personal thing, and of course, you know him, but I would suggest making a final contact something like, "I want to respect your wishes and not contact you, but I want you to know that I am there for you when you are ready."
I don't think contacting someone repeatedly who has asked you not to is beneficial, but, like I said, you know him and it is personal. I believe respecting his wishes, at least in the short term, is better. I can hear that you want to help so much, but until he is ready, there really isn't anything you can do.
- Natasha

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