
Building Self Esteem

Writing exercises for low self-esteem can help when we get trapped in failing to see how the judgments we make about ourselves are inaccurate. It is helpful, therefore, to use certain techniques that allow you to untangle yourself from your thoughts, to take a step back, and see that you can’t possibly justify the self-critical thoughts you’re having. Making notes about your thoughts is one way to gain this healthy perspective. In this way, you can use writing exercises to tackle low self-esteem.
Do you know how to talk back to your negative self-talk? Knowing how to identify negative self-talk first is important because what you tell yourself becomes your reality. When your core beliefs are self-critical, doubtful and make you feel inadequate, your self-esteem suffers tremendously. The good news is if you are willing, you can talk back to negative self-talk and transform it dramatically with just a little effort.
Many men carry around this idea of what it means to be a man, and if they believe that who they are--or their experiences--don’t fit into this model, then they might feel emasculated as a result. Although it can be difficult to shake off the power of masculine norms (let alone realize the effect they have on you), it is possible for men to overcome this gender-unique experience that can cause low self-esteem. But men don’t have to let cultural expectations of what it means to be a man impact their self-worth in this way.
Do you wish you could take control of your inner critic, that voice in your head that constantly puts you down? It is the critical inner voice that says unkind things about you and paints a negative view of who you are. If you don't take control of this inner critic, it can become quite powerful and authoritative, which will make you pay more attention to it. This can end up damaging your self-esteem. But you can take control of the inner critic and find peace of mind.
I’m Sam Woolfe, and I’m really excited to start writing on building self-esteem for HealthyPlace. For a long time, I have struggled with low self-esteem, low self-worth, harsh self-criticism and even self-hatred. Thoughts and feelings related to low self-esteem have, no doubt, held me back in many ways, but they never seemed like some big issue I had to address. That was, until, certain life events, stressful situations, magnified and intensified these thoughts in a depression.
Your job affects your self-esteem in both positive and negative ways. Many people today report more dissatisfaction with their jobs, and this impacts them even when they aren't working. Do you feel unhappy or energetically drained by the work you do? If so, there are a few things you can do to protect your self-worth and your energy. You can't stop your job from affecting your self-esteem, but you can do things that balance any negativity.
If you don't show yourself respect, neither will other people. How are you supposed to feel confident, assertive and develop self-esteem if you don't show yourself some respect? Others may take advantage of you, people can be intimidating or situations you encounter may be so overwhelming it makes it hard to respect yourself. I've got three simple tools that can help you feel more confident communicating with others so you can show yourself respect.
Helping others improves your self-esteem and sense of purpose. People who volunteer their time, donate to a cause they care about, or aid someone in need of assistance, have higher self-esteem and overall wellbeing. How can you help others and improve your self-esteem?
Did you know it is possible to manage frustrations with confidence? When there is no immediate solution to a problem, say you can't find your car keys, or you have to do something you've been dreading, there is a skill that helps you manage frustrations confidently. The IMPROVE Skill is a dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) tool that I've found to be helpful for reducing daily stressors and drama that finds its way into frustrating my life.
You can reduce anxiety and gain confidence over your emotions, even during stressful times. I've struggled with anxiety since I was a child and have found some skills that help reduce anxiety, while also improving self-esteem. The skill I want to share with you has allowed me to feel in control when anxiety intrudes and my confidence declines. It helps me reduce my anxiety while gaining confidence.