
Building Self Esteem

Many people are afraid of public speaking, don't let your fear keep you from raising your hand or participating in work and school. Learn these tips to be confident.
Do you wonder why your self-esteem is still low? You've been doing work to increase confidence but it still feels like you are stuck? There are a few reasons why you are having trouble improving your self-esteem.
Everyone feels insecure in certain situations. Learn how to speak up and appear confident, even in the most anxiety producing and insecure situations with these three tips.
Confidence in the workplace can be a challenge for many people. Thinking and feeling insecure about your performance, job security, picking up on others' anxiety about work, or even interactions with co-workers can send many people into a negative mindset about themselves. Insecurity at work doesn't just affect you at the office, it can take over your entire life.
Learn 4 ways to stop habit of procrastination and start feeling proud of yourself. Putting off tasks and avoiding emotions leads to low self-confidence.
Feeling confident and comfortable in a swimsuit isn't impossible. Bikini body image boosters and self-confidence tips will make you feel confident hitting the beach this summer.
Are you worried about what your teen is doing online? Most parents don't have a clue. Feel confident parenting your tech savvy teen or tween with these tips.
Is your daughter depressed? Learn the facts on the frequency of Depression in teen girls and how self-esteem plays a significant role.
Stop lying to yourself and start getting real about what's holding you back from feeling developing healthy self-esteem. Gain self-esteem and get honest with yourself with this vlog.
Most people want to be happy, but just don't know how. Many of us make things harder than they need to be. It's a habit that has likely become the norm for you, too. Maybe you've taken on too much at work yet again, found yourself in another unbalanced relationship, or have become stuck in a cycle of negative thinking.  All of these can sabotage your happiness and make you feel insecure. There is a part of you that wants to be happy (otherwise you wouldn't be reading this) and I'm going to share some happiness tips to help you achieve that.