
Binge Eating Recovery

Binge eating disorder (BED) can overtake your entire life, so how do you cope with binge eating disorder at work? Sometimes work can help you deal with symptoms, other times it can trigger them. Learning how to cope with your binge eating disorder at work is a difficult part of your binge eating recovery journey.
Occasionally, people tell me they're too busy to eat, even with binge eating disorder. But self-care is not about having extra time in your day to care for yourself, it's about designating time in your day to make sure you do the basic tasks you need in order to be healthy (Practicing Self-Care Is Hard But Vital For Mental Health). In this day and age we're all busy people, but eating regular meals is not a luxury. It's a necessity. Even if you're "too busy" you need to eat with binge eating disorder.
Sometimes I feel like my binge eating disorder leaves me chasing the feeling of fullness. It’s a strange concept for me to put into words, but I constantly feel that if I’m not full of food, I’m empty; and that sense of being empty makes me panic. Sometimes it strikes me that when I don't have the feeling of fullness I feel as though something’s off and I have to fix it. With binge eating disorder, I seem to chase the feeling of fullness.
A significant part of society functions by comparing things to similiar things and when you are on a binge eating disorder journey, you quickly become aware just how incomparable these journeys are (Binge Eating Disorder Recovery Is A Personal Journey). Sometimes your recovery is going extremely well and sometimes you have a relapse. Regardless of how your recovery is going, it's completely unhelpful to be informed how someone else is doing better or worse than you are. My binge eating disorder recovery journey is not comparable to others.
Binge eating disorder is a personal illness and binge eating disorder recovery is an equally personal journey. Each person with binge eating disorder will find his or her own way to cope with the triggers and stressors that accompany this disease (Mental Health Recovery: Avoiding Triggers!). When you have binge eating disorder it's important to remember that it's a personal journey and your path doesn't have to look like everyone else's.
It's a common joke that people, particularly women, who go to college gain 15 pounds their first year (or semester, depending on who you're listening to), but when you have binge eating disorder and you go to college, the weight changes you could experience are nothing to joke about (Make Time For Binge Eating Disorder In College). Nothing is quite like the stress of college. When stress triggers your binge eating disorder at college, binges and weight gain can collide. 
Spring holidays are upon us, so here are some survival tips for those with binge eating disorder during the holidays. I have gathered these tips from my personal experience and also from friends and associates with with eating disorders. It's important to remember, that you know best what will work with your specific situation. Check out these survival tips for binge eating disorder during the holidays for suggestions that might work for you.
Spring holidays are coming up fast and when you have binge eating disorder (BED), it can be a difficult time to survive. Parties and social gatherings can trigger your binge eating disorder, relatives and friends can play any variety of roles, including food police and concern troll, and beyond all of that, there's seasonal foods that can lead to overeating or binging. Here are some tips on surviving the spring holidays with binge eating disorder.
Recent studies have revealed that people with eating disorders often engage in self-harm.1 Self-harm is defined as non-lethal harm done to the self. It can include minor burns, cutting the skin, or even knowingly engaging in the symptoms of the eating disorder. People with binge eating disorder might engage in self-harm.
There are plenty of people who don't understand binge eating disorder (BED). Whether their misunderstanding is due to social and cultural conditioning or outright refusal to acknowledge information set in front of them, it can be difficult to navigate social situations with BED (Surviving Mental Illness Stigma in A Judgmental World). It's important to remember that it's not your job to educate anyone and sometimes, no matter what you do, people are not going to understand binge eating disorder.