
Make an Aphrodisiac Meal

Sex and food have always been linked, and no more so than when it comes to aphrodisiacs. Sex counselor Suzie Hayman looks at which foods can get you in the mood for love and how to make the preparation of a meal fun and sexy too.


  • Set the table so you have a nice place to eat.
  • Buy a range of small treats and finger foods.

Mood food

Certain foods have a reputation for putting you in the mood for love. For example, the sight, smell, and taste of oysters is reputed to put a woman's lover in mind of her intimate parts, while asparagus is equally suggestive to a man's partner.

Whether these foods are actually aphrodisiacs is debatable. It's not widely thought that they can affect your sexual organs or sexual desires to make you any more aroused, but using aphrodisiac foods or drinks as part of your seduction technique can bring something extra to your sex life.

Cupboard love

Spend time preparing your meal together. Simply sharing this task can bring you closer.Choose foods that have to be assembled by hand - either laid out on plates, or sliced, mixed and stirred.

Don't be afraid to get cream, peanut butter, tomato sauce or anything else all over you and your partner.

Treat each other

Tiny treats and special nibbles (peaches, figs, spears of asparagus, etc) are the best foods to choose. They don't have to be expensive or exotic, just things you can pick up and eat with your fingers.

As you prepare your feast, feed little bits of food to each other.

The proof's in the pudding

One couple who found their relationship took a turn for the better when they started making their evening meals together are Mick and Siobhan.

Mick, who'd been brought up to expect men to stay out of the kitchen, found a whole new meaning to the term 'food lovers' as he and his partner Siobhan got into the habit of slicing and dicing, stir-frying and sauteing together.

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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2021, December 23). Make an Aphrodisiac Meal, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, February 13 from

Last Updated: March 26, 2022

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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