
The Amazing, Magnificent, Miraculous, Magical, Fiery Eruption of Joy & Love & Dazzling Light.

A letter to an old friend in Taos, New Mexico who I had not been in touch with in several years

Dear _____,
Since you have not been online and don't get the Newsletters for my web site or the e-mail bulletins I send out to certain friends, I guess the best way to bring you up to date on what has been happening in my life is to share some of the things I have written with a little commentary in between quoting myself. It will give me an opportunity to process it through once again.

I have recently had a glorious, amazing adventure in relationship.

On December 7th I sent out an e-mail to certain friends - I sometimes send out messages that either Proclaim my Joy in the moment (to overcome the old tape that says if I tell anyone it will screw things up / God will get me for being too happy) or when I have come to a new insight (i.e. when I realized that deep, deep down I had a old tape that said that money would corrupt me) and want to counteract the old tape with an affirmation to the Universe through my friends. So, anyway this is what I sent out on the 7th. (I am using some different colors to hopefully make it a little easier to follow, and I have made a few slight changes to these quotes so that they make sense without having to quote whole other sections.)

"I just replied to an e-mail from a friend and then got the hit that I should share the message that I sent with other friends. As in the past, when I have shared gratitude, grief, feelings of deprivation with certain friends via e-mail as away of honoring, thanking, requesting, affirming, and generally communicating with the Universe by sharing with those I feel close to - I am here today proclaiming my incredible GRATITUDE for the Twelve Step Principles and Recovery Program and utter AMAZEMENT for how Wonderful, Exciting, and Glorious this Life Adventure is on my Spiritual Path.


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Here is my message:

Nothing much happening here.
Things have been very busy - in a really wonderful, fulfilling away. If you read my newsletter you know that I have reached a really wonderful new plateau of being free to be Happy and Joyous today no matter what is happening on the outside. And as I also said in my newsletter - this too shall pass into something different.

Well, it passed and now things just got more busy, complicated, and simple because I have gotten involved in a relationship - pretty amazingly wonderful. Certainly is screwing up my intimate relationship with my computer - am now taking time for long walks on the beach, and talks and such. I think perhaps I may be in the process of getting a real life here!

My friends I am very Happy, Excited, and Ecstatically Joyous to let you know that I am in Love (and like, and lust, and respect, and Spiritual connection with) and so is my new Magnificently Powerful Friend ____ (with me even!) - AMAZING - the absolutely perfect woman for me right now has appeared and is maybe even the one I have been dreaming of my whole life. (That future stuff is none of my business right now - it falls into the More Will Be Revealed category)


On a Saturday (November 7th) I replied by e-mail to a good friend who is getting married on New Years Eve - that given my recent history the chances of me having a date for the wedding were almost nil but that I did believe in miracles. The next day I went to a Metaphysical church that I was going to be speaking at, and met and spoke for a few moments to the incredibly talented, wonderfully intelligent, very beautiful woman who sang during the service - the following day I told my friend I would be having a date for the wedding."

Interestingly enough, after telling my friend that I would have a date for the wedding - I let it go. At the service I had to struggle to keep my eyes off of this woman - not in the sense of just staring at a beautiful woman, but in the sense of being surprised that she was there. "Where did she come from?" "Who is she?" "What is she doing here?" I kept looking at her trying to remember who she was - although I knew that I had never seen her before. She kept looking at me, also in the same kind of way (I observed this at the time and she confirmed it later.) We spoke briefly after the service as she asked me what music I would like for the Sunday in two weeks in which I would be doing the service. She also included me in an invitation to go hear some music that afternoon with some other people from the church. I declined because I had work to do on my web site and because it wasn't time to be with her yet - this last part is something I just got aware of as I am writing this. I had that feeling at the time - but didn't understand it and forgot it almost immediately.

I spoke to her on the phone later that week about the music - and then the following week when I asked her if she would like to get a cup of coffee or something and spend some time together. We set a date for Saturday night - I was specifically not going to mention the word date to her in order to not scare her off - she said something about not having a date for some months and then I did ask her specifically for a date. I ended up canceling our date for Saturday night and rescheduling it for Sunday after the service that I was doing at the church. I had to postpone to get my Newsletter finished and sent off before I left on that Monday to spend Thanksgiving week in Phoenix. I sent my Newsletter off early in the morning of November 22nd - later that afternoon, we had our first date.

In my Newsletter I said:

". . . The next major change is that I have put a link to my question and answer pages on my Home Page for the first time. When I first started doing the question and answer pages a few months ago I only gave the address out to you all on my mailing list. I was a little leery about making them available to the general public for several reasons:

  1. I talk about some pretty controversial stuff from aperspective that can be upsetting to some people. I was working on the page about Jesus and Mary Magdalene at that time and was not sure I wanted to put it out there for everyone to see. As it turns out I am very proud of that page - I personally think it is quite Masterful - and I feel sorry for anyone who reads it with such a closed mind or rigid belief system that they would feel the need to react negatively. Also, though in the past I have found myself showing great resistance to being out there in front as a target - I have now come to such a level of acceptance that it would even be ok if they burned me at the stake again - I want all of the Karma settled, whatever that takes.
  2. I have been scared to death that my book editor Heidi, who lives in New Mexico, would discover them and what she would do would probably be worse than burning at the stake. In explanation of what I am talking about - here is the disclaimer that I just placed at the top of some my pages:

[Beware: if you are an editor or grammar teacher please be forewarned that I have been writing these newsletters and Q & A pages very casually with little or no thought given to punctuation and grammar - including allowing myself to end sentences with prepositions. (My excuse is that it is hard to write in html - but in truth I am enjoying the chance just to be casual.) - You can look at this page as a wonderful opportunity for you to practice letting go and acceptance.] ;-)

So now I have so much courage and faith that I am not only willing to face the angry mob again - but also to face Heidi if I have to. (One of those prepositions - oh well.) The index page for the question and answer pages is now out there for the world to see - so More Will Be Revealed.

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next: An Adventure in Love - Loving and Losing Successfully

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 11). The Amazing, Magnificent, Miraculous, Magical, Fiery Eruption of Joy & Love & Dazzling Light., HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, February 9 from

Last Updated: August 7, 2014

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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