Drug Addiction, Substance Abuse Resources
Resources on alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse treatment.
General inquiries: NIDA Public Information Office, 301-443-1124
Inquiries about NIDA's treatment research activities: Division of Treatment Research and Development (301) 443-6173 (for questions regarding behavioral therapies and medications) or Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research (301) 443-4060 (for questions regarding access to treatment, organization, management, financing, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness).
Website: http://www.nida.nih.gov/
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)
CSAT, a part of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, is responsible for supporting treatment services through block grants and developing knowledge about effective drug treatment, disseminating the findings to the field, and promoting their adoption. CSAT also operates the National Treatment Referral 24-hour Hotline (1-800-662-HELP) which offers informa-tion and referral to people seeking treatment programs and other assistance. CSAT publications are available through the National Clearinghouse on Alcohol and Drug Information (1-800-729-6686). Additional information about CSAT can be found on their website at http://csat.samhsa.gov/.
Selected NIDA Educational Resources on Drug Addiction Treatment
The following are available from the National Clearinghouse on Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI), the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), or the Government Printing Office (GPO). To order, refer to the NCADI (1-800-729-6686), NTIS (1-800-553-6847), or GPO (202-512-1800) number provided with the resource description.
Manuals and Clinical Reports
Measuring and Improving Cost, Cost-Effectiveness, and Cost-Benefit for Substance Abuse Treatment Programs (1999). Offers substance abuse treatment program managers tools with which to calculate the costs of their programs and investigate the relationship between those costs and treatment outcomes. NCADI # BKD340. Available online at http://www.nida.nih.gov/IMPCOST/IMPCOSTIndex.html.
A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach: Treating Cocaine Addiction (1998). This is the first in NIDA's "Therapy Manuals for Drug Addiction" series. Describes cognitive-behavioral therapy, a short-term focused approach to helping cocaine-addicted individuals become abstinent from cocaine and other drugs. NCADI # BKD254. Available online at http://www.nida.nih.gov/TXManuals/CBT/CBT1.html.
A Community Reinforcement Plus Vouchers Approach: Treating Cocaine Addiction (1998). This is the second in NIDA's "Therapy Manuals for Drug Addiction" series. This treatment integrates a community reinforcement approach with an incentive program that uses vouchers. NCADI # BKD255. Available online at http://www.nida.nih.gov/TXManuals/CRA/CRA1.html.
An Individual Drug Counseling Approach to Treat Cocaine Addiction: The Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study Model (1999). This is the third in NIDA's "Therapy Manuals for Drug Addiction" series. Describes specific cognitive-behavioral models that can be implemented in a wide range of differing drug abuse treatment settings. NCADI # BKD337. Available online at http://www.nida.nih.gov/TXManuals/IDCA/IDCA1.html.
Mental Health Assessment and Diagnosis of Substance Abusers: Clinical Report Series (1994). Provides detailed descriptions of psychiatric disorders that can occur among drug-abusing clients. NCADI # BKD148.
Relapse Prevention: Clinical Report Series (1994). Discusses several major issues to relapse prevention. Provides an overview of factors and experiences that can lead to relapse. Reviews general strategies for preventing relapses, and describes four specific approaches in detail. Outlines administrative issues related to implementing a relapse prevention program. NCADI # BKD147.
Addiction Severity Index Package (1993). Provides a structured clinical interview designed to collect information about substance use and functioning in life areas from adult clients seeking drug abuse treatment. Includes a handbook for program administrators, a resource manual, two videotapes, and a training facilitator's manual. NTIS # AVA19615VNB2KUS. $150.
Program Evaluation Package (1993). A practical resource for treatment program administrators and key staff. Includes an overview and case study manual, a guide for evaluation, a resource guide, and a pamphlet. NTIS # 95-167268/BDL. $86.50.
Relapse Prevention Package (1993). Examines two effective relapse prevention models, the Recovery Training and Self-Help (RTSH) program and the Cue Extinction model. NTIS # 95-167250/BDL. $189; GPO # 017-024-01555-5. $57. (Sold by GPO as a set of 7 books)
Research Monographs
Beyond the Therapeutic Alliance: Keeping the Drug-Dependent Individual in Treatment (Research Monograph 165) (1997). Reviews current treatment research on the best ways to retain patients in drug abuse treatment. NTIS # 97-181606. $47; GPO # 017-024-01608-0. $17. Available online at http://www.nida.nih.gov/pdf/monographs/monograph165/download165.html.
Treatment of Drug-Exposed Women and Children: Advances in Research Methodology (Research Monograph 166) (1997). Presents experiences, products, and procedures of NIDA-supported Treatment Research Demonstration Program projects. NCADI # M166; NTIS # 96-179106. $75; GPO # 017-01592-0. $13. Available online at http://www.nida.nih.gov/pdf/monographs/monograph166/download.html.
Treatment of Drug-Dependent Individuals With Comorbid Mental Disorders (Research Monograph 172) (1997). Promotes effective treatment by reporting state-of-the-art treatment research on individuals with comorbid mental and addictive disorders and research on HIV-related issues among people with comorbid conditions. NCADI # M172; NTIS # 97-181580. $41; GPO # 017-024-01605. $10. Available online at http://www.nida.nih.gov/pdf/monographs/monograph172/download172.html
Medications Development for the Treatment of Cocaine Dependence: Issues in Clinical Efficacy Trials (Research Monograph 175) (1998). A state-of-the-art handbook for clinical investigators, pharmaceutical scientists, and treatment researchers. NCADI # M175. Available online at http://www.nida.nih.gov/pdf/monographs/monograph175/download175.html
Adolescent Treatment Approaches (1991). Emphasizes the importance of pinpointing and addressing individual problem areas, such as sexual abuse, peer pressure, and family involvement in treatment. Running time: 25 min. NCADI # VHS40. $12.50.
NIDA Technology Transfer Series: Assessment (1991). Shows how to use a number of diagnostic instruments as well as how to assess the implementation and effectiveness of the plan during various phases of the patient's treatment. Running time: 22 min. NCADI # VHS38. $12.50.
Drug Abuse Treatment in Prison: A New Way Out (1995). Portrays two comprehensive drug abuse treatment approaches that have been effective with men and women in State and Federal Prisons. Running time: 23 min. NCADI # VHS72. $12.50.
Dual Diagnosis (1993). Focuses on the problem of mental illness in drug-abusing and drug-addicted populations, and examines various approaches useful for treating dual-diagnosed clients. Running time: 27 min. NCADI # VHS58. $12.50.
LAAM: Another Option for Maintenance Treatment of Opiate Addiction (1995). Shows how LAAM can be used to meet the opiate treatment needs of individual clients from the provider and patient perspectives. Running time: 16 min. NCADI # VHS73. $12.50.
Methadone: Where We Are (1993). Examines issues such as the use and effectiveness of methadone as a treatment, biological effects of methadone, the role of the counselor in treatment, and societal attitudes toward methadone treatment and patients. Running time: 24 min. NCADI # VHS59. $12.50.
Relapse Prevention (1991). Helps practitioners understand the common phenomenon of relapse to drug use among patients in treatment. Running time: 24 min. NCADI # VHS37. $12.50.
Treatment Issues for Women (1991). Assists treatment counselors help female patients to explore relationships with their children, with men, and with other women. Running time: 22 min. NCADI # VHS39. $12.50.
Treatment Solutions (1999). Describes the latest developments in treatment research and emphasizes the benefits of drug abuse treatment, not only to the patient, but also to the greater community. Running time: 19 min. NCADI # DD110. $12.50.
Program Evaluation Package (1993). A practical resource for treatment program administrators and key staff. Includes an overview and case study manual, a guide for evaluation, a resource guide, and a pamphlet. NTIS # 95-167268/BDL. $86.50.
Relapse Prevention Package (1993). Examines two effective relapse prevention models, the Recovery Training and Self-Help (RTSH) program and the Cue Extinction model. NTIS # 95-167250. $189; GPO # 017-024-01555-5. $57. (Sold by GPO as a set of 7 books)
Other Federal Resources
The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI). NIDA publications and treatment materials along with publications from other Federal agencies are available from this information source. Staff provide assistance in English and Spanish, and have TDD capability. Phone: 1-800-729-6686. Website: http://ncadi.samhsa.gov/.
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ). As the research agency of the Department of Justice, NIJ supports research, evaluation, and demonstration programs relating to drug abuse in the contexts of crime and the criminal justice system. For information, including a wealth of publications, contact the National Criminal Justice Reference Service by telephone (1-800-851-3420 or 1-301-519-5500) or on the World Wide Web (http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij).
Source: National Institute of Drug Abuse, "Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research Based Guide."
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APA Reference
Staff, H.
(2008, December 22). Drug Addiction, Substance Abuse Resources, HealthyPlace. Retrieved
on 2025, February 18 from https://www.healthyplace.com/addictions/articles/drug-addiction-substance-abuse-resources