Self-help Quiz #1
Self-Therapy For People Who ENJOY Learning About Themselves
This quiz is based on ideas emphasized in other topics. Some questions are harder than they appear at first glance. Sometimes more than one answer is technically correct, but one answer is always best. The best answers are listed at the bottom.
Click on the topic the question came from to learn about why I chose the answers I did.
From Guidelines For Emotional Health
1) To be emotionally healthy, the first thing to check is:
A) Your emotions.
B) Your body.
C) Your relationships.
2) Feelings are:
A) Biologically programmed.
B) Messages from your body about how your life is going.
C) Messages from your body about what you want and need.
3) Take Care Of Yourself At The First Small Sign of:
A) A problem.
B) A sad or angry or scared feeling.
C) Discomfort.
D) Conflict of any kind.
4) During our awake hours we should spend most of our time on:
A) Work
B) Play.
C) Rest.
D) Equal time on each.
5-9) Match the five natural feelings (top) with the key words about the causes for the feelings (bottom):
5) Sadness
6) Anger
7) Joy
8) Scare
9) Excitement
A) Block.
B) Existence.
C) On Our Way.
D) Got It.
E) Loss
From Who's Healthy?
10) The best measure of our emotional health is:
A) How we handle daily life.
B) A diagnosis by a therapist.
C) Successful relationships.
11) An emotionally healthy person is Spontaneous, Intimate, and:
A) Successful. B) Happy. C) Competent. D) Aware.
From Growing Up
12) A person who has grown up emotionally has a family which consists of:
A) Parents and siblings, selected relatives, spouse and children (if any).
B) The relatives they choose to deal with.
C) People they choose from among everyone they know.
D) Everyone who treats them well.
From Self-Love
13) You can tell if you are self-loving if you look in a mirror and:
A) Know you would like this person.
B) Like how you look.
C) Feel warmth for this person.
D) Don't feel any guilt or shame or anger.
From About Change
14) We can change our values, our thinking, and our feelings in therapy. Which one changes most quickly in therapy?
A) Feelings. B) Thinking. C) Values.
15) Which one takes the longest to change in therapy?
A) Feelings. B) Thinking. C) Values.
From Life Scripts
16) Once someone's subconscious script becomes known to them, a therapist might help them to "shuffle." In this context, "shuffling" means:
A) Doing the same things as always but in a different order.
B) Replacing unhealthy actions by experimenting with healthier actions.
C) Re-deciding about each major element in the script.
From Motivation
17) We get our energy from:
A) Self-Love. (Feeling good about ourselves.)
B) Eating, sleeping, etc. (Taking care of our bodies well enough.)
C) Enjoying ourselves. (Being treated well by others and by ourselves.)
D) Being successful. (Achieving appropriate goals.)
18) When someone has plenty of energy but they think they are "lazy" or "unmotivated" this shows:
A) They don't know what their real motivations are.
B) They are stalling as a way of frustrating someone who made them angry.
C) They are working too hard to please someone instead of pleasing themselves first.
D) They aren't really lazy, they were just taught to believe that are.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
B | C | C | D | E | A | D | B | C | A | D | C | A | C | A | A | B | A |
To learn why each answer is correct, read the topic.
Notice if any question or answer (correct or incorrect) shows you something good about how your life is going! Be proud of it!
Notice if any question or answer (correct or incorrect) gives you an idea about how you can improve your life! Be proud you leaned this today!
Enjoy Your Changes!
Everything here is designed to help you do just that!
next: Self Help Quiz #2
APA Reference
Staff, H.
(2008, November 25). Self-help Quiz #1, HealthyPlace. Retrieved
on 2025, February 11 from