

Email can become confusing and overwhelming for the adult with ADHD. So many distractions and noise—a veritable Pandora's Box. Today I discuss my system to get on top of the inbox.
Everyone gets buried in email, especially the disorganized, but is there a way to get back on top without abandoning email entirely?
The worst thing about ADHD epiphanies is that they are wonderful in the moment, but do we remember to follow through with them? I mean, it's all well and good to decide "Hey! People like me better when I don't knock them over," but have you stopped doing it? I can come up with 17 startlingly innovative ADHD epiphanies a week, but do I do anything about them?
Are you doing everything you can to fight off the effects of adult ADHD? Is it possible you have more fight in you than you realize?
Many of us lose colossal amounts of time while trolling the net for new information. Do we have to unplug the internet and go back to reading by candlelight, or can we have our digital cake and eat it too?
I knew a guy who studied in college by reading a book in front of himself while he walked around a track. Hearing him tell me of this technique was the first time I ever understood that my ADHD may be a strange li'l beastie, but it was one that could be tamed if I was creative enough for the task. That guy understood something about himself: he needed to be in motion in order to dampen the noise and chaos in his mind so that he could learn and remember.
All this month we've been discussing various steps you can take to rein in your ADHD and get some projects done for a change. You've limited your projects, picked the ones with the most key interest, and made plans to work on them. Now what?
“What do you do when you can’t pick one project to be the main one?” The truth is that the only way to complete goals is to focus in on them. Here are some tips to help you do just that.
It's easy to think of solutions to fix your life—even easier to read about them—but not so easy to put the solutions into play. Let's look into ways to get a handle on ADHD even when it has a handle on us.
Once again high motivation proved to be instrumental in transforming my life. I've since used this technique with success in other areas. I cut through the ADHD distractions, prune them down to a few cherished activities, then go forward with hyper focus engaged, determined to see my goal to the end.