
Child Therapy References Article

Child Therapy References Article

What is Child Therapy? Types of Child Therapy and How it Works

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Will Counseling for My Children Solve All of Our Problems?

Barish, K. (2012). Solving common family problems: Five essential steps. Psychology Today. Retrieved July 2019 from

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What is Play Therapy? Definition, Types, and Benefits

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Kaduson, H.G. & Schaefer, C.E. (2003). Preface. In H.G. Kaduson & C.E. Schafer. (Eds.), 101 Favorite Play Therapy Techniques, Vol. 3. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Kottman, T. (2001). Play therapy: basics and beyond. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

Petruk, L.H. (2009). An overview of nondirective play therapy. GoodTherapy. Retrieved August 2019 from https://www.goodtherapy.or /blog/non-directive-play-therapy/

Reddy, L.A., Files-Hall, T.M., & Schaefer, C.E. (2005). Announcing empirically based play interventions or children. In L.A. Reddy, T.M. Files-Hall & Schaefer, C.E. (Eds.), Empirically Based Play Interventions For Children. (pp. 3-10). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

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The Role of Play Therapy Toys

Kaduson, H.G. & Schaefer, C.E. (2003). Preface. In H.G. Kaduson & C.E. Schafer. (Eds.), 101 Favorite Play Therapy Techniques, Vol. 3. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Kottman, T. (2001). Play therapy: basics and beyond. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

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Recommended toy list. (n.d.). Center for Play Therapy. Retrieved August 2019 from

Scheftel, S. (2015). Welcome to the dollhouse. Psychology Today. Retrieved August 2019 from

What Can Family and Child Counseling Do for Your Family?

Ackerman, C. (2017). What is family therapy? + 6 techniques & interventions. PositivePsychology. Retrieved August 2019 from

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Are There Downsides to Participating in Child Therapy Groups?      

Chinekesh, A., Kamalian, M., Eltemasi, M., Chinekesh, S., & Alavi, M. (2013).  The Effect of Group PlayTherapy on Social-Emotional Skills in Pre-School Children. Global Journal of Health Science, 6(2), 163-167. Retrieved August 2019 from

Espejo, K. (n.d.). The benefit of numbers: Group therapy for children and adolescents. Jonah Green and Associates. Retrieved August 2019 from    
Grover, S. (2017). 5 reasons group therapy is the best choice struggling teens. Psychology Today. Retrieved August 2019 from

Hoag, M.J. & Burlingame, G.M. (2009). Evaluating the effectiveness of child and adolescent group treatment: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 26(3), 234-246. Retrieved August 2019 from

Hurley, K. (n.d.). Group therapy for kids: What it is, how they can benefit, and when not to send your child to group therapy. Psycom. Retrieved August 2019 from

Massman, C. (2017). Pros and cons of teen group therapy. Chris Massman. Retrieved August 2019 from

Reddy, C. (n.d.). Group counseling: advantages and disadvantages. Wisestep. Retrieved August 2019 from   

Chinekesh, A., Kamalian, M., Eltemasi, M., Chinekesh, S., & Alavi, M. (2013).  The Effect of Group PlayTherapy on Social-Emotional Skills in Pre-School Children. Global Journal of Health Science, 6(2), 163-167. Retrieved August 2019 from

How Does Child Therapy Address Anger Management?

Angry kids: Dealing with explosive behavior. (n.d.). Child Mind Institute. Retrieved August 2019  from

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Kennedy-Moore, E. (2018). Children’s anger management strategies that work: Effective ways to help your child handle anger. Psychology Today. Retrieved August 2019 from

Is There Child Therapy for Anxiety? My Child is Extremely Anxious

Bubrick, J. (n.d.). Behavioral treatment for kids with anxiety. Child Mind Institute. Retrieved August 2019 from

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Sacks, J. (2017). How does play therapy reduce anxiety in children? Tribeca Play Therapy. Retrieved August 2017 from

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What Kinds of Therapy Exist for Autism?

Relationship Development Intervention (RDI). (n.d.). Autism Speaks. Retrieved August 2019 from

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Rudy, L.J. (2019). The different types of autism therapy. verywell health. Retrieved August 2019 from

WebMD Medical Reference. (2018). Play therapy for autism: What to know. WebMD. Retrieved August 2019 from

WebMD Medical Reference. (2018). Therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorder. WebMD. Retrieved August 2019 from

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What is applied behavior analysis (ABA)? (n.d.). Autism Speaks. Retrieved August 2019 from

APA Reference
Peterson, T. (2022, January 27). Child Therapy References Article, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, July 27 from

Last Updated: January 27, 2022

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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