
The Boylove Manifesto

Parents need to be aware of men who describe themselves as boylovers who believe sex between an adult man and a boy is perfectly fine. They engage in child sexual exploitation which can begin on internet. The beliefs of ManBoyLove are spelled out in this document.

Editor Note: The Boylove Manifesto is a German document that was written in 1997 by TPKA jay_h. It was a declaration of boylove, boylovers, and of the point of view of boylovers on their right to exist and the rights that should be afforded to boys. It does not represent the views of Dr. Faulkner or Debbie Mahoney from the child protection group, SafeGuarding Our Children-United Mothers (SOC-UM).

Who Are We?

The boylove manifesto gives insights into adult-child sex and the beliefs of boylovers. Parents need to be aware of this child sexual exploitation that can start on the internet.Boylove is a worldwide phenomenon that does not recognize the boundaries of gender, race, nationality, age, religious beliefs or philosophy. Boylove describes a special kind of relationship between human males. Boylove has always been with us, exists among us today and will always continue to exist.

A boylover is commonly referred to as a "pedophile". Since boylovers can only speak for themselves, the feminists viewpoint cannot be expressed as part of this document. For the same reason you will not find a treatment about the love of women to boys, nor the love of men to girls as part of this discussion. The aim of this document is to explain the love between human males.

As boylovers we distance ourselves from the current discussion about "child sexual abuse". We are not willing to participate in a confrontational discussion that does not even take into account the variety of sexual relationships between various age groups.

This document represents the views of the author. The stereotype boylover does not exist. There are as many different opinions among boylovers, as there are men who love and admire boys.

Who Should Read This Document?

This document was written for all boylovers, their friends, their boyfriends and their girlfriends. Further, it was conceived for those children who have been, or may someday be confronted with this subject. It is aimed at parents, counselors, teachers and everyone whose life is touched, privately or professionally, by children. Hopefully, it will be read by some who deal with children, youths and boylovers as part of a therapy program. Finally, this document is a resource for those who may have kept an open mind and are genuinely interested in learning more about the difficult subject of "boylove".

This document hopes to assist the reader in shaping his or her own opinion. While we are not hoping to gain any supporters for our opinions, we would like to be afforded the opportunity to submit our point-of-view to the current debate.


Why Was This Document Published?

The discourse about sexual contacts between different age groups, particularly those that take place between children and adults, has reached a dead-end. The parties on either side of the argument are no longer on speaking terms. Those who have taken it upon themselves to protect every boy from every boylover place the blame squarely on the boylover. To further their cause, these people do not bother to separate fiction and hearsay from the alleged facts. Their doctrine still nourishes from several centuries filled with repressive sexual standards. When child sexuality became taboo, the thought spread through our collective conscience that a child is simply not a sexual being. Sigmund Freud ventured past this taboo. Since that time, the attempt has been made to restrict the newly discovered sexuality of children by means of legislation. The imbalance of power which governes the relationship between adults and children was swiftly expanded to include the subject of sexuality. The adult members of our society mandate how a child is to cope with his or her own sexuality.

The attempt to employ restricions and punishment as a means of child rearing often causes the child to experience serious conflicts. While may traumatise the child, it will certainly do nothing to further his or her natural development in the future. The discrepancy between the desire a child may experience and the restrictions placed upon these desires by society harms the natural and healthy development of his or her own sexuality. As a result, these children will suffer from some psychological damage even as adults.

This document presents the opposing point of view. At the same time, it attempts to liberate children and adults from many false premises which govern our relationships and our sexuality. In view of the social and cultural position of a boylover, an attempt will be made to present his fundamental ethics - particularly the rights of the boy and the boylover's responsibilities.

What Is Boylove?

It is not possible to reduce or limit boylove by focusing only on the sexual aspects of an intergenerational relationship. Human sexuality plays the same part in a boylove relationship as it undoubtedly does in any relationship between human beings. Therefore it may not not be present, only slightly present, or explicitly present in any given relationship. A relationship that is based on sexual contact alone is not really part of boylove, because this term includes far more than that.

A boylover desires a friendly and close relationship with a boy. This relationship will not necessarily include any sexual intimacy, nor will it necessarily exclude it. A boylover's fascination focuses primarily on the "boyish" and "childish" traits that are particular to any boy. The physical traits of the boy and the boylover's sexual desires, which may or may not be present, are quite secondary to that fascination. A boylover will go to great lengths to protect a boy from negative influences, or any physical and emotional harm. Further, a boylover will not resort to threats nor will he show any signs of aggressive or even violent behavior as part of a relationship.

The Boylove Relationship?

In most cases is the attraction between the boylover and the boy is mutual. The boy is drawn to an adult who takes him seriously and treats him respectfully. The boylove relationship is void of the demeaning power struggles and restrictions which are customarily are part of any child/adult relationship. In a boylove relationship, the boy is afforded the chance to experience himself as a person. A person who may have and express his own opinion, without running the risk of having it cast aside as unqualified, or even "childish". His spirit, as well as his body, are seen as a whole. Not as something that is still in the process - a developmental stage on the way to adulthood.

A child is commonly viewed as someone who needs to grow up in order to become a person. Society applies adult standards in order to shape and mould the child. Personality traits that may be considered undesirable or inconvenient, are often removed in the process of child rearing and education.

As part of a boylove relationship the older partner accepts and nourishes the spirit of the child. The boylover doesn't try to apply adult standards of behaviour in order force the boy's spirit to fit the mould. The boy experiences this acceptance of his own unique character as something very special and pleasant. He feels free to develop and grow, because his partner treasures his personality and takes it seriously.

Although the adult partner is always in a position to exercise power over the child, the boylover tries to avoid any power struggles within the relationship. However, the boylover must be aware of the fact that an imbalance of power is present in any adult/child relationship. Therefore a situation may arise where he may need to raise this topic with his partner.

What Are The Rights Of The Boy?

First and foremost it is the right of the boy to develop his personality and his sexuality freely. This rule must govern every boylove relationship and it does. Any physical or psychological pressure inherently infringes upon this precious right. Further, any restrictions that may interfere with the development of his personality, or those that may prohibit him from experiencing his sexuality without restraints, may also be considered an infringement of his rights. It is the boylovers responsibility to shape the relationship in order to comply to the wishes and needs of the boy. It is also his responsibility to ask questions and listen carefully. Most importantly, the boylover must not interfere with the autonomous development of the boy.

The boy has the right to be protected against physical or psychological abuse. It should also be considered a form of abuse when a boy is prohibited from exercising his rights to experience a loving relationship, or if he is not allowed to experience and develop his own sexuality. The rights of the boy should be respected in this regard, too.


What Are Our Demands?

We demand the freedom of individual sexuality for boys and for boylovers.

We demand that current standards of sexuality are reconsidered. These standards infringe upon basic human rights, because they prohibit children and those who love them from even thinking about engaging in any sexual intimacy.

We demand that any medical, psychological or religious notions which are preconceived against child sexuality, be exempted from a discussion about new sexual standards.

We demand that children as well as boylovers be included in the current debate concerning sexuality between children and adults. At this point, the "experts" are people who have gained their knowledge about intergenerational relationships from books and statistics. It sounds incredible: there are people who are defending the best interests of an age group and they haven't even bothered to ask members of this age group if this representation is desirable, or in their best interests.

We demand our freedom of speech in the media. The internet is being targeted as the forum for boylovers. We demand to be held to the same standards as every other participant in the internet: if there is nothing illegal being published on a "boylove site" then this site may not be shut down, or censored at will.

We demand a forum for open communication between boylovers. A forum that is entirely free from repression. This discourse, support and a sense of community is important. It is a place to discuss sexual ethics and a forum that will be reached by boylovers from around the globe.

We demand that society reconsiders the status of the child. This is our most important demand. Since children are not granted their own personality, and since they are not being taken seriously, there are "experts" who may represent their "best interests". And as long as we allow this representation to take place, children will be denied their right to develop their own personality, as well as their own sexuality.

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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, November 30). The Boylove Manifesto, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, February 13 from

Last Updated: May 6, 2019

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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