Star-D Depression Study

In Nov. 2006, results from the Star D Study were published. The nation's largest real-world study of treatment-resistant depression suggests that a patient with persistent depression can get well after trying several treatment strategies, but his or her odds of beating the depression diminish as additional treatment strategies are needed. The analysis also found two important indicators of treatment success. Those who become symptom-free have a better chance of remaining well, as measured in the follow-up period, than those who experience only symptom improvement. Those who need to undergo several treatment steps before they become symptom-free are more likely to experience a relapse during the one-year follow-up phase, reminding clinicians that even if a patient overcomes the depression, he or she still needs attention. Expert Depression Patient and author, Julie Fast, provides an easy-to-understand summary of the Star D Study and you can read her "Gold Standard of Treating Depression" section on here: