

I've found that nature provides greater self-esteem. Self-esteem is a delicate yet pivotal aspect of one's wellbeing, particularly for those navigating the challenges of mental health. In my personal journey, I have found that nature is a sanctuary that extends a comforting hand toward healing and heightened self-esteem. 
One of the toughest battles I have faced in my journey is the shame and stigma in recovery. For years, I carried the burden of shame, believing that my gambling addiction was a reflection of my moral failure. Society's misconceptions about gambling addiction only fueled these feelings, leaving me trapped in a cycle of self-blame and isolation. Society views gambling addiction as a matter of poor self-control. Most people still believe it is a choice and people can stop whenever they want, which is not the case. What shame and stigma in recovery do is disempower people and even hinder their ability to recognize addiction as a complex issue that requires support and treatment.
Professionals can help you deal with, recover, and move away from verbal abuse with therapy. But is therapy the only way to heal from a verbally abusive relationship? With so many tools and resources available, some people may wonder if therapy after verbal abuse is the best route for them.
Do you feel like something is missing in your life? You are not alone. From time to time, so do I. A recent session with my therapist revealed that this isn't new: humans have always been dissatisfied with their lives. She said we are only experiencing it more frequently today because of factors like social media comparison, increased capitalism, and the belief that one can have it all. These factors have come to define civilized life, and we cannot control most of them. However, we can control our reactions to them to minimize life dissatisfaction. Let's take a look at what my therapist told me about feeling something is missing.
For those grappling with borderline personality disorder (BPD), the aftermath of a BPD breakup can feel excruciating. The aftermath of a BPD breakup isn't just about saying goodbye to a partner; it's a deep, existential unraveling. The experience of a BPD breakup is akin to mourning a death, where I am forced to confront the fragments of myself and painstakingly rebuild from the ground up. After a BPD breakup, I've not only lost a loved one, but I've also lost myself.
As children grow up, they eventually leave the family nest to pursue their dreams and aspirations, and that empty nest can encourage depression. Whether they go to college, explore the world, or start a new job, it may be a challenging and emotional step for parents. Therefore, by preparing for the empty nest chapter of life, parents can be proactive in not letting depression set in for an extended period. For me, the empty nest phase is creeping up quickly, and I am unprepared. 
Finding comfort in chaos has been a pattern for me and my unresolved trauma. Especially before I sought treatment for my childhood sexual assault, and often without realizing it, I would feel somewhat "addicted" to emotional pain. In other words, I felt most myself when there was some sort of conflict in my life, whether it was a physical health condition or a relationship issue. While I didn't actively want these things to be happening, I did find comfort in the chaos they stirred up.
While randomly browsing the Internet in 2015, I came across a powerful phrase: Be who you needed when you were younger. At the time, I was a recent college graduate who had no idea what to do with her life. As a result, the phrase seemed irrelevant to someone like me. However, knowing what I know now, I am convinced that anyone can live by this motto if they want to. You can be who you needed to be when you were younger.
Trauma splitting (a type of emotional detachment) can be a common side effect after facing verbal abuse. This coping mechanism can happen to individuals of any age. However, children with verbally abusive parents will often develop trauma splitting to separate their normal personality from the traumatized one. 
When I revert back to an anorexic mindset, it becomes all about earning my worth. Even if I resist the urge to act out eating disorder behaviors, I can still be susceptible to the anorexic mindset, which tells me I need to strive past my own limitations and prove that I am strong, capable, resilient, and valuable. I have a difficult time believing that my self-worth is inherent, so I force myself to achieve it—even if that means I hustle to the edge of burnout with no room to pause, breathe, and rest. An anorexic mindset is all about earning my worth, but l will be honest: This performance-based mentality creates a miserable existence at times.

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Stressed out
I really needed to read this today. My daughter is 19 and her relationship with her father/my husband has gotten to the point of her not talking to him. She says he neglected her when she was younger (he'd let her watch tv after school instead of playing with her); he would put her down (he'd tell her when she would do something wrong and she didn't like it), and how she grew up in an abusive environment. It kills me to see this happening but when I try to intervene I get told that my husband (he's a few years older than me; we had her when I was in my thirties) had groomed me and I have no backbone, otherwise I would have divorced him already. I don't want to divorce him, nor do I want to be stressed to the point where I can barely breathe. I keep blaming myself for everything - I should have done more, I should have insisted on therapy, I should have been stricter with her - and it doesn't help that 'everyone else' around us is perfect, with perfect families, perfect houses, perfect everything. We gave her all the love we could and now we get accused of being abusive and neglectful. :(
I have burn scars on my wrist and arms also from SH I still do here and there but for everyone fighting a battle I’m routing for you I know how you feel and I pray u win that battle u tell nobody about don’t let know one make you feel bad there’s plenty of ppl like me and u who handle things differently take it day by day and see what keeps u distracted from feeling like hurting urself like I noticed I’m more prone to do it when I’m alone or mad so fight those emotions and try not to look back we’re really soldiers nobody’s ready for the war in our heads except us it’s not cool but better than ending it all or being behind bars
For any one still SH or who used to use this is our portal of knowing ur not alone when u feel down or insecure there’s ppl out there just like u suffering in silence I’m have burns on my arms and wrist so I totally understand everyone in this section and I pray we all beat this battle that for some reason choose us but ima start being less self conscious about my scars and rock short sleeves just for us I love u all keep your head up we’re soldiers and not alone don’t let no one make you feel bad like there life is perfect.❤️❤️❤️
Megan Callahan
I was a puberty bedwetter also from age 12 to 14 and wore the cloth diapers and rubberpants to bed everynight as well.When my bedwetting first started,mom got me the regulae cloth pin on diapers,diaper pins and the rubberpants in white,and babyprints! She told me that since i had to wear the diapers,and that i was still somewhat of a little girl yet,that i may as well have babyprint rubberpants. I wore them over my diapers all thru 12,13 and 14 and when i would have a friend or friends sleepover,they would see the babyprint rubberpants on over my diapers!
Thanks so much everyone.... I'm not alone. I have a 35 yr old son and a 32 year old daughter. My son keeps in touch with me and see him about once a month. He calls me every week. My daughter no...... keeps me at arms length... doesnt take my calls, or if I message and ask if its a good time for a chat, its mostly know she is too busy. We used to be soooo close , I have stepped back and I respect she now has a husband. She doesnt share much of her life with me, I respect her privacy. She often does acknowledge my messages which leaves me feeling irrelevant. There is no conflict, I dont think I could talk to her about how I feel because she has said before my expectations are too high. I still work full- time, I lead a busy life and have tried to make a new life for myself. My husband ( not their father has a good relationship with both of my kids including my daughter. ) Sometimes I think she talks to him more than me. I feel like I gave her sooo much love growing up, but I feel she is gone. Im heart broken.