

We're back in the studio this coming Tuesday, September 15, with a great show on psychosis in Bipolar Disorder.
Maria's story of living with dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a riveting one. She chronicles living with DID both undiagnosed and diagnosed, then dealing with the stigma of DID. Maria, our guest on the Misconceptions About Dissociative Identity Disorder video, wrote the following post for HealthyPlace.
Years ago, I saw the movie Sybil, about a woman with dissociative identity disorder (DID). Sybil caught the world’s attention by shedding light on what it's like living with multiple personalities and coping with dissociative identity disorder. Most recently, screenwriter Diablo Cody entertains TV viewers weekly with the real but exaggerated accounts of a woman struggling with dissociative identity disorder without the assistance of medications. This Tuesday, we'll be discussing dissociative identity disorder diagnosis and the complications of living with it day-to-day. If you are not familiar with the term dissociative identity disorder, the term multiple personality disorder or “split personality” may be more recognizable.
The joy and stress of being an Alzheimer’s caregiver was our focus on Tuesday’s show. Our guest, Barry Green, shared his account of watching his father struggle with the brain disease.
This Tuesday, we'll talking about Alzheimer’s disease and the challenges caregivers face. Alzheimer’s not only affects the patient but many Alzheimer's caregivers live with stress and depression.
Tuesday’s show was a small step in helping others who struggle with Transsexuality. Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft (psychiatrist, board-certified in adult psychiatry, addictions, and sex therapy), while in residency, worked in a program that evaluated individuals wishing to change their sexual orientation. During the show, he explained the emotions that a transsexual person lives with everyday.
Have you ever heard the term "A man trapped in a woman’s body?" Unfortunately, this is a reality for people who identify themselves as Transsexuals. This Tuesday, we will discuss the psychological process of undergoing a change in sex and attempt to understand the negative connotations that surround the subject.
On tonight’s show, Dr. Harry Croft did a wonderful job in explaining food addiction. Due to technical difficulties, our scheduled guest, Caryl Ehrlich was not able to share her insight with us. Dr. Croft provided insights into addiction to food, saying that those who suffer often deal with other issues and use food as a coping mechanism. Compulsive overeating often includes food that is high in fat and sugar; never food that is good for us such as carrots or celery.
We'll be discussing food addiction on the HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show this Tuesday. With depression, obesity and diabetes on the rise in the United States, addiction to food is a serious matter. Finding out the reason why you are overeating is the first step to living a life free of shame.
Narcissism: An Inflated Sense of Self It’s always a good idea to have some self-worth. We are often reminded of the old adage “you have to love yourself before you can love someone else.” While this is true for some, there are others in this world that can do without the second part of that cliché. For them, self-love and admiration is extreme and results in problematic and unhealthy relationships.

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Elizabeth Caudy
Hi Kellie. Thank you for your comment. Thank you for complimenting me on my song... I'm in the middle of composing another one! Best, Elizabeth
Kellie Holly
Hi Elizabeth, I think your song is pretty. I hope you keep composing and playing.
Dawn Gressard
Hello Ash!
It is wonderful to hear that you are embracing YOUR progression. Although it is natural to compare ourselves to others around us, it is unhealthy. However, it does take self-awareness, continuous practice, and willingness to change our thinking. The fact is that we are all 100% unique, and there is no one else like us. Thus, we can only follow our own journey and walk along at our own speed when it comes to recovery. How we recover is normal -- at least for us.
Think of it like this: trauma is our normal reaction to an abnormal event, plain and simple. It doesn't matter if someone else doesn't think our trauma is valid -- it is precisely that, OURS. In return, our journey of recovery should also be OUR normal progression from the trauma or mental health condition.
I am happy to hear that you can change your thinking and are trying to not compare yourself to others. Keep strong and go forward at your own pace.
Dawn Gressard
Hi Mary-Ann!
Unfortunately, the blogger who originally posted the poem is no longer at HealthyPlace. I did an internet search for the poem and could not find the poem titled "I'm Here for You." I would have to conclude that it is an original from the blogger or someone she knows. It is a beautiful post!
Dawn Gressard
That's a great question! Word of mouth is a great resource. If you have people you trust in the same area, ask around - everyone seems to know someone. However, you can ask your primary care physician about a recommended psychiatrist or Google "ZocDoc." On this website, you can read reviews and see what ratings psychiatrists in your area have.
As for lawyers, Google the Bar Association of your home state. There should be a list of resources and listings for the type of lawyer you need. I hope this helps!