
Living a Blissful Life

Happiness is a deep satisfaction and a sense of well-being. It is a positive feeling of immense personal fulfillment and joy. It is not something you can just pick up at the local grocery store or order online. There is no pre-made ready mix, get happy fix. Experiencing happiness is tied to your attitude, actions, a sense of satisfaction, and well-being. And, you count on happiness being strengthened when you do things with love, grace and gratitude.
Personal fulfillment is profound and persistent satisfaction with yourself and your situation. It is feeling exceedingly pleased about your desires and needs being realized. I get it! Fulfillment sounds like a super idea. For some of you, it may seem unimaginable. The challenge for many of us is: understanding it, finding it, and moving boldly on the path towards it.
Joy is a sustained sense of well-being and internal peace - a connection to what matters. ~ Oprah Joy Revealed What’s your idea of joy? What awakens feelings of calm, peace, and contentment in you? Joy is a sense of well-being. It springs from spiritual connectedness that creates an inner calm, peace and contentment. It warms your heart and soul. Getting up to greet the sunrise, driving the scenic route to the office or hearing my sister’s lovely voice when she sings Louis Armstrong’s, What a Wonderful World. The feeling of joy is not ephemeral. It is long-lasting. So much so that when I think of these examples along with others, immense contentment gushes within. What evokes joy for you?
Bliss is a magnified emotional state of joy, personal fulfillment and happiness. Think back to when you were a young child and, on Christmas day, you opened your presents to find you got exactly what you wrote on your list. All at once, it was a heightened sensation of excitement, joy, fulfillment and happiness that overtook you. Or can you recall a time when you came to the rescue of someone in tremendous need and their expression of gratitude filled you with a feeling of joy, fulfillment and happiness?
You are the author of your life. Be intentional and purposeful about creating and sustaining the life you desire to live. ~ Dr. Sydney Savion Dr. Sydney Savion is an applied behavioral scientist, member of the American Psychological Association and scholar-practitioner in the field of life transition for more than a decade. She views life transition as a gradual psychological progression of questioning self, others, the situation, seeking a new direction, and a quest to start to anew. It is a natural part of living that is triggered by an event that has a momentous impact upon and changes a person‘s life ecosystem in a manner that demands a person to cope and adjust. For example, this event could be a loss of a loved one, a marriage, your mental health, or even livelihood.