

Studies show that Facebook hurts your self-esteem, and I'm inclined to believe them. Social media sites, especially Facebook, create negative feelings and insecurity in many of my clients. Study after study has concluded that the more time spent on social media sites like Facebook, the lower the levels of self-esteem and self-worth. In fact, most people who spend time on Facebook actually report feeling worse about themselves, having lower self-esteem and more impulsive tendencies.
Insecurity is one of the most cunning and inhibiting ways our minds keep us from developing healthy self-esteem. It’s like a game our ego plays on us to go down the rabbit hole of negative thinking, making it seem almost impossible to get out. When unnoticed or part of our everyday repertoire, insecure thoughts no longer become an occasional lack in self-confidence, they turn into a way of life. Insecure feelings often leave one more inhibited in their life. Negative beliefs can snowball into avalanches, contributing to low self-esteem, anxiety and depressive thoughts.
If you're insecure about your beauty, remember that the media often portrays perfected, altered images of idealized beauty to play on our insecurities. The lies about what beauty looks like leads to anxiety and low self-esteem. Low beauty confidence can even play a role in many mental health disorders, as it sets up an unrealistic ideals and creates feelings of ‘I’m not good enough.’ Don't let the media make you insecure about your beauty--here's how.