
Binge Eating Recovery

Eating disorder social media can definitely have its pros and cons. I'm here to focus on the positive that social media as related to eating disorders can bring to our lives. If we stay away from the dark side of social media, there are many ways to find inspiration each day to aid in our eating disorder recovery journey. Eating disorder social media can be good for you.
Binge eating disorder development happens so slowly that often times we wonder how exactly our lives got to their current state. I always felt as though my eating disorder appeared out of nowhere, like it just showed up one day without any warning. Truth is that eating disorders are progressive illnesses. They do not just magically appear one day when we wake up. This disease goes through many phases before it takes us over, usually going unnoticed until it is making our lives miserable. If we understand binge eating disorder development in our recovery, we can keep the illness from showing up again.
Body dysmorphia and binge eating disorder (BED) often go hand in hand. Body dysmorphia is characterized by having an obsessive preoccupation with one's appearance as well as being unable to see one's body the way it is in reality (Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) Signs, Symptoms and Causes). Many times in binge eating disorder, body dysmorphia causes us to see ourselves as much larger than we really are. Finding awareness of these tendencies is a big step toward wellness from binge eating disorder.
Surrendering to life in eating disorder recovery is vitally important. To surrender from your eating disorder means giving up everything related to your illness. It also means fully embracing eating disorder recovery as an idea and a lifestyle.
I am thankful for my struggle with an eating disorder. I'm sure you are filled with judgment and curiosity, wondering how someone could actually be thankful for having been through something as misery-filled as an eating disorder. You may think I am crazy for feeling this way, but I truly have gratitude for everything my eating disorder put me through. I have thanks for my struggle.
I binged; now what should I do? I recently slipped on my eating disorder recovery and binged. It's a difficult thing to admit to the world, but I did. It can be extremely hard to bounce back after a binge. It can feel like a total failure and like it's the end of the world. Guess what, it's not. Here I share the lessons I've learned from my recent binge.
I'm in recovery from binge eating disorder and I always find people asking me whether I consider myself "recovered" from my eating disorder. My answer is always no. I will always view myself in the terms of "in recovery" because I believe that the eating disorder healing process is a journey without an endpoint. There are people that do not side with my viewpoint, but this is my belief system: Recovery from binge eating disorder will last my lifetime.
Eating disorder support keeps you from feeling alone in the world. Connecting with others who are experiencing or have experienced the same things as you is a great way to get through these feelings of loneliness caused by the eating disorder. Learn about how to find eating disorder support.
Remember this binge eating recovery tip for the new year: Take small steps every day. The dawning of the new year tends to make us feel that once midnight strikes we need to make big changes right away. The issue with this can be that it is all too much, too soon. This is the same when it comes to your binge eating disorder recovery. Small steps every day will help achieve the lasting changes you desire.
Have you thought to celebrate your binge eating disorder recovery over the holidays? Often times we become so entrenched with stress during the holidays that we forget to celebrate what's really important. When we get caught up in the superficial parts of the holiday season, we completely ignore what truly matters to us. Celebrating your binge eating disorder recovery, your body, and your progress is just as important as all the other good stuff this season has to offer.