
Building Self Esteem

Want to know the secrets of confident and successful people? Here are 10 tips that make them powerful and self-assured.
As trivial as it may seem, small behaviors can really impact your mood. The more we spiral into the negative thinking patterns, the more it affects our view of the world and our self-esteem. When a toxic environment takes over or unhappy thoughts to engulf your mind, it leads to anger, resentment, frustration, and bad vibes.
Learn how to break free from negative thinking patterns that contribute to low self-esteem. This quick video teaches you how to build more positive experiences into each day.
There is always a root to a problem, and there is a root cause of low self-esteem, but without identifying why or how it got there, we don't have the tools to overcome low self-esteem for good. Knowing what negative thoughts are ingrained in your mind and otherwise identifying where low self-esteem came from will help you to better help yourself. So let's discuss the root cause of your low self-esteem so you can do something about it.
This is your wake-up call - literally. Running on too little sleep can have detrimental effects on your mind, body, and brain. For years we have known that sleep deprivation was bad for our mental and physical health and now more alarming research has linked lack of sleep to higher stress, low self-esteem, physical health issues, and even brain damage.
So you've been stuck in a rut, lost the momentum or are feeling less than jazzed about your life. Maybe the dreams you wanted aren't so great in reality or the ideas you thought would bring you happiness are no longer serving you. Sound familiar? Your confidence and self-esteem takes a hit when you're stuck in a rut; you lose life-balance and tend to freeze or take a few steps back into your comfort zone.
Therapist Emily Roberts explains how small acts of self-care, some take less then a minute, can raise your self-esteem and make you happier.
Words matter and female role-models mean more than you may think. The 'Ban Bossy' campaign brings more awareness to the confidence gap that keeps girls from being assertive and in leadership roles.
Positive thinking is essential to self-confidence and overall health. According to the Mayo Clinic, positive thinking is scientifically linked to longer lives, lower rates of depression, increased immunity, and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. We have been conditioned to think negatively, compare ourselves to others, and get stuck in self-deprecating cycles of worry. It’s all around us, in the news, on your Facebook feed, even in your home. So how do you make the shift to feeling more positive and confident? Start small, with positive and intentional actions every day. The more you practice positive thoughts and behaviors, the more confident and self-assured you will feel. Here are ten ways you can feel more positive and confident every day.
Parents and environment impact the development of eating disorders. #EDA2014 become aware of how you can prevent eating disorders in your child.