
Mental Health Coping Skills

Practical self-care tips are important not just for your mental health, but for your physical health as well, but they're harder to do on a tough mental health day. Many popular self-care routines involve taking care of, and often pampering, the body such as taking a bath, applying a face mask, drinking a cup of tea, or working out. However, these activities aren't always feasible for someone having a bad mental health day. Try these practical self-care tips on bad mental health days to rest and recharge.
Coping with the suicide of a friend is one of the most excruciating, incomprehensible things a person can experience. It leaves behind a wound that will seemingly never heal. Read on for some information on how to cope with the suicide of a friend.
Do you know about the interaction between summer and social and the importance of rest? You’re not alone.
There are a variety of reasons why gratitude is good for our mental health. Gratitude simply means expressing feelings of thankfulness. During depressive episodes or in moments of deep despair it can be discouraging when people encourage you to be grateful for all you have. It causes feelings of guilt on the behalf of the depressed person. Mental health conditions such as depression or bipolar affect all types of people. Although a person's life may be filled with riches it does not eliminate the effects of depression. Nevertheless, our mental health can be helped with gratitude.
Confronting weight gain on psychiatric medications is a major problem for many people consuming these types of medicines (Weight Gain in a Pill). It is almost as if the more your mental health improves, the more weight you gain. However, psychiatric medication weight gain can be coped with.
The stress of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and the impact on women's mental health is a topic that applies to women who fear this time of the month due to extreme emotional behavior and discomfort (Hormones and Women's Mental Health). A mental disorder, such as my diagnosis of bipolar, consists of high ups and low downs -- a disorder filled with extremes. The combination of PMS and a mood disorder is riskier than PMS without a mental disorder. Recently, I have noticed as I near menstruation, depressive thoughts and emotions intensify to an extent that concerns me. To add to the apprehension of this monthly upheaval, there are serious disorders related to PMS that have major impacts on women's mental health.
Coping skills are important, and exploring unique coping mental health skills for bad days is key to recovering from a low period (You Can Practice Self-Care on a Budget). Being that no exceptional set of guidelines exist to rely upon when it comes to coping skills, it is important to explore unique ways to creatively cope with bad days. 
I used to be a people pleaser but now I've learned to put myself first. When I was younger, I used to be the kind of person that people could take advantage of easily. When you display that as a young person, it's hard to change as an adult -- but it is possible to put yourself first and stop being a people pleaser.
I remember being a teenager -- calling that phase of life a challenging time is an understatement! Many teenagers need self-esteem help because not only are you going through physical changes that affect your mood and hormones, but you are also trying to find who you really are. How do you do this when during the teenage years you're so influenced by others? How do you do this when it’s painful to go against your peers, and all you want to do is fit in? If you are unique and don’t conform to the norm, you start to feel like you’re not good enough (The Truth About Self-Esteem). How does one get through this transition period into adulthood? Here's some help for teenage self-esteem.
I used to wonder, are exercise and mental health related? Can it improve your overall mental health and be as helpful as antidepressants? In my recent experience, I’ve found the answer is yes. I have been through anxiety, depression and depersonalization (feeling a sense of watching yourself and feeling disconnected to others and oneself) and exercise helped to lift my mood during the dark days. The problem is, like many others might find, it’s a constant struggle to stay motivated and develop a love for exercise for your mental health.